Grimwood's School For Ghouls

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"Hey Alexis. Wanna work out with me?" Scrappy asks as he nudges Alexis while she is sleeping in wolf form in the back of the vehicle.

"Sorry Scrappy. Not right now. Let me sleep for a bit longer." Alexis says tiredly as she doesn't open her eyes.

"He's not only working out he's falling out!" Shaggy says as Alexis opens her eyes and sees Scrappy hanging onto a dumbbell as he is falling out of the vehicle.

"Whee! I bet this is great for building up my shoulder muscles." Scrappy says as Alexis gets up and pulls him back in inside the vehicle.

"Like I'm ready to get to this fancy girl school and taste some of their fancy cooking." Shaggy says as Alexis passes the boys some sandwiches.

"Honestly me too. I'm ready for something other than a sandwich." Alexis says.

"Thanks Alexis. Delicious." Shaggy says as he takes a bite of his sandwich.

"Not problem Shag. Hey I think we're here." Alexis says pointing to a school in the distance.

"Certainly is more creepy looking than the military school we passed on the way here. Zoinks! What a time for the wipers to konk out. I can't see the road." Shaggy says as they're pulling up to the school as Scooby gets on top of the van and uses his tail to wipe the rain off the wind shield.

"Wow! What a neat place. It even has a moat." Scrappy says as he points to the moat around the school.

"Moat!?" Shaggy asks as he stops and Scooby goes flying at the door before getting spooked and runs inside as Alexis and the others get out of the van.

"Uncle Scooby likes to arrive with a big bang." Scrappy says as he looks at Shaggy.

"The bridge is down now boys. We can cross." Alexis says as she shifts to human form before crossing the bridge with Scrappy and Shaggy before going inside seeing a woman call off a small dragon before it attacks Scooby.

"Hello. You must be a friend of our new gym teachers." A woman says as she walks over to Alexis with the small dragon.

"Actually ma'am I am Shaggy's adopted cousin. My name is Alexis." Alexis says as she walks over to the boys with the woman and dragon.

"Sorry about that. Matches can get a little feisty around strangers. But once he gets to know you he's fine. You must be Shaggy Rogers. I'm Miss Grimwood. Head mistress of this finishing school." The woman says.

"Like pleased to meet you ma'am." Shaggy says as he tries to shake hands with Miss Grimwood only for a floating hand to shakes hands with him instead.

"I thought you might need a hand with your luggage." Miss Grimwood says as the group hears howling.

"Like I'm not sure we'll be staying. Right Scoob?" Shaggy asks as he looks at Scooby.

"Absolutely." Scooby says as he and Shaggy try to run but get stopped by the floating hand closing the door on them as Miss Grimwood walks over to them.

"Come now. We have a contract Shaggy. This is your signature is it not?" Miss Grimwood asks as she shows Shaggy the contract.

"Like I guess so." Shaggy says as he nervously looks at the paper.

"Sure it is. We even witnessed it. Right uncle Scooby?" Scrappy asks as he points to his and Scooby's paw prints on the paper

"Good. Now that's settled. Come. I want you to meet my girls. Ah here's one of them now." Miss Grimwood says as a bat comes flying over.

"Girl? Like don't be batty! That's not a girl." Shaggy says as the bat turns into a girl with purple hair.

"What's wrong with batty? I'm Sibella. Count Dracula's daughter. Fangtastic to meet you." The girl says as she smiles showing her fangs before Shaggy, Scooby, and Scrappy run off after meeting a female werewolf Winnie and Elsa the frankenstein monster girl.

"You think they've never met a girl ghoul before." Sibella says.

"Forgive the boys. They can be um a bit startled. Easily." Alexis says as the girls look at her.

"How come you aren't running?" Winnie asks as Alexis shifts to wolf form.

"Well I'm a wolf shifter. So I don't tend to scare off easily. Give them a bit to calm down and they should be okay." Alexis says.

"We should go find them." Miss Grimwood says as she walks off with Alexis, Sibella, Winnie and Elsa.


"I see you found them." Alexis says as the finds the others in a room with a mummy girl and a phantom girl.

"Alexis those two are Phantasma and Tannis." Sibella says as she points to the phantom and mummy girls.

"You must be the girl who came with our gym teachers." Phantasma says as she floats over to Alexis.

"Yes. Pleasure to meet all of you girls. So what is it we'll be doing here exactly Miss Grimwood?" Alexis asks as she looks at Miss Grimwood.

"You'll be teaching us how to beat those Calloway Cadets." Sibella says.

"Calloway Cadets?" Alexis asks.

"Yeah. They win every time. I'll never get a trophy for my mummy case." Tannis says a she gestures to a glass case.

"We need a coach with spirit!" Phantasma says as she floats through a statue.

"Who can show us all the right moves!" Winnie says as she jumps happily in front of Shaggy.

"Well uh..." Shaggy says nervously.

"That's my uncle Scooby. He and Shaggy have more moves than a Russian chest player." Scrappy says as he pushes Scooby over to Shaggy.

"Yeah. We're reat!" Scooby says.

"Don't worry Tannis. We'll help you get a trophy." Alexis says as she walks over to Tannis.

"I'm so happy I could howl! In fact I will!" Winnie says happily as she howls before Alexis joins her in howling.

"It's fangtastic having you here guys." Sibella says.

"Yeah. Welcome to Ghoul School!" Elsa says as she causes Scooby and Shaggy to roll over and stop in front of Miss Grimwood.

"Well I'm glad that's all settled. Now let me show you to your rooms. Ah here are the keys." Miss Grimwood says as the floating hand brings her the keys before Scooby and Shaggy scream and faint.

"Gee. You guys must of been over come by your warm welcome." Scrappy says as he begins to drag Scooby and Shaggy.

"Is that normal with them?" Sibella asks as she looks at Alexis.

"More than you know." Alexis says as she follows after the boys.

Made For Each Other Scooby Doo And The Ghoul School Sibella X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now