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"Well we're inside. No sign of the girls. Sure is a creepy place. Huh Matches?" Alexis asks as she is walking around with Matches after having split up from the others.

"Hey Alexis." A voice says revealing to be Scrappy walking over.

"Hi Scrappy. Find anything?" Alexis asks.

"No. I just got separated from Scooby and Shag." Scrappy says.

"Why don't you walk with us? We'll run into the others eventually." Alexis says as the three continue walking.

"Help!" A voice shouts sounding like Scooby.

"That's uncle Scooby." Scrappy says looking in the direction of where the voice came from.

"And it sounds like he's in trouble. Come on." Alexis says as the three run into a circular room with Shaggy.

"I'm so glad you came to help your friend." A voice says revealing to be a green creature holding Scooby by his tail above the group.

"Help! Guys!" Scooby shouts.

"Put my uncle Scooby you big meanie." Scrappy says.

"Pick on someone your own size you big bully." Alexis says.

"I just begun to be mean." The green creature says as the floor opens up beneath the group causing them to fall into some water before Scooby is dropped in beside them.

"Fair well." The green creature says as he laughs.

"Nice try buster but we know how to swim." Scrappy says.

"So does the giant well dweller." The green creature says before he leaves.

"Well dweller?" Shaggy asks as a giant purple creature arises out of the water before Matches tries to attack him but is unable to due to being soaked.

"Scrappy what are you doing with that ball?" Alexis asks as he sees Scrappy holding a bouncy ball.

"I'm hoping he'll play ball with me. Your turn Matches." Scrappy says as he, Matches, Scooby and the well monster begin playing with the ball.

"Like I hope you're gonna let him win Scrappy. This guy looks like a sore loser." Shaggy says as the monster growls.

"Nice job Alexis." Scrappy says as Alexis shifts to wolf form and uses her tail to swat the ball upwards as the monster follows the ball up to the top of the well allowing the group to safely climb out on his scales and allow him to keep the ball in turn.

"Zoinks! We gotta hurry! It's almost midnight." Shaggy says in alarm as he looks at his watch.

"I hope the girls will be okay until we get there. They gotta be. Please be okay Sibella." Alexis says as the group is running.

Made For Each Other Scooby Doo And The Ghoul School Sibella X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now