Chapter 1

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Lisa sighed as soon as she hung up the phone, she was not surprised by her mother's parting remarks, but she was still annoyed at having to hear them again. The rest of the conversation had gone fine, the usual wedding talk and final plans for Jisoo's next weekend, but of course, the conversation had turned towards her and her love life at the end.

Her love life was nonexistent right now because she was pathetically in love with her best friend for the past two years.

"Is everything okay?" Rosé asked, twisting her head over the back of the couch to look at Lisa.

"Yeah, just my mother being my mother," Lisa said, making her way back to the spot beside Rosé, the spot where her mom's phone call had pulled her from, cuddled close to Rosé as they watched a movie.

"What did she do this time?" Rosé asked, though Lisa had complained enough, she was sure Rosé already knew the answer to that question.

"She asked me if I was sure I didn't want to bring a date to the wedding and said she'll leave a seat free next to mine at dinner if I change my mind."

Lisa knew her mother just wanted her to be happy, just like Jisoo was, but Lisa would be happier if her mother stopped bringing up the fact that she was single like there was something wrong with it.

"I'm sorry, "Rosé placed a consoling hand on her thigh, which was entirely distracting for a moment until Rosé stood up.

"I know we weren't going to drink tonight but I think a conversation with your mother warrants at least one beer."

Lisa smiled as she watched Rosé cross the room, and smiled even more when Rosé returned a moment later, two beers in hand.

"Thank you," Lisa said, accepting the offering as Rosé took her seat.

"Do you know how embarrassing that's going to be though?" Lisa said, thinking back over her mother's words.

"I'm going to be sitting there, an empty seat beside me, it's going to look like I got stood up, which is even worse than going single."

"Could you ask Jisoo to talk to your mom, and see if that helps?" Rosé suggested.

Lisa had tried that already, and it only ended in Jisoo teasing her about Rosé, and saying she should just invite Rosé to the wedding as her date, that would both stop their mother's comments, and also get her a date with the woman she's in love with. So, she was not sure how much help Jisoo would be if she tried again.

She shook her head. "Jisoo just wants me to be happy too," Lisa said, going for semi-honesty.

"Well then, it looks like we have no other choice."


"I'll be your date for the wedding."

Lisa choked on her drink, having chosen the exact wrong moment to take a sip. "What?" she asked, voice strained as she tried to catch her breath.

"Are you okay?" Rosé asked, rubbing a soothing hand over Lisa's back as her breathing slowly returned to normal. Her heart rate was anything but normal though, beating wildly in her chest at both the thought of dating Rosé and the soft touch at her back.

"I'm fine," Lisa said, cheeks red. "The beer just went down the wrong way. Um... so, you were saying, about the wedding?"

"I'll be your date," Rosé nodded. "That'll get your mother off your back, plus I'm going anyway, so it's no big deal. We'll pretend we're together for the day, that way there'll be no comments about your tragic dating life and you can have a good day."

"There's nothing tragic about my dating life," Lisa mumbled, focusing on the one thing she can do at the moment. The rest was too much, even if Rosé was just suggesting a fake date, not a real one.

Rosé held up her hands in surrender. "Those are your mom's words, not mine. So, what do you say? Unless you were planning to pull at the wedding?"

Rosé winked.

"Maid of Honour always has an advantage at a wedding. And I've seen your dress, you could have your pick of anyone there with how gorgeous you look."

Lisa's cheeks were on fire, from the compliment and from the thought of something happening with someone at the wedding. That second part is obviously not going to happen, because she hadn't dated anyone since she came out, and hadn't even considered the idea because she was in love with Rosé the whole time.

"The only thing I was planning to do at the wedding is happy for my sister and drink too much, it would be nice to do them without worrying about any comments from my mom."

She loved her mom, she really did, but she was really pushing this single thing lately, and it was really starting to wear her out. Maybe she should tell her about her feelings for Rosé, that might stop the comments for a while, at least until she would start pushing her toward Rosé.

Rosé grinned, asking, "Is that a yes?"

Lisa smiled, forgetting everything for a moment but Rosé. She couldn't say no to that face, and she didn't want to.

"That's a yes."


Cute. Isn't it?

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