Chapter 1 - Goodbyes

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A/N really short chapter, but enjoy all the same! xx

Chapter 1

Nat's POV 

Leaving, I was finally leaving. My home for 19 years, was going to become my past. Melbourne, with its teeth-chattering winters and sun-kissed beaches was going to be missed. But most of all I was setting sail on my own, from my family.

It was 8:30am and I was all ready to go. Everyone down stairs was busy trying to organise themselves quickly before I flood them with goodbyes. I picked up my suitcases and stepped out into the hall to find my little sister peeking back up at me with red puffy eyes and wet cheeks. Tear marks stained her plump cheeks and her bottom lip stood slightly abrupt.

"What's wrong Emily? Why are you crying hunny?" I forced a smile, but it was hard. I hated seeing her cry, it always turned my waterworks on as well.

"I...I, I don't want you to leave. I'll be all alone with no one to cuddle...." She managed to say between sobs, her blue eyes wide and staring.

"Naw! Come here Em..." I gestured for her to come closer to me. She did and we then held each other silently, letting the tears gush down both our faces.

Being 12 years younger than me she had always been my little doll. Her 7 year old innocence cuddled me tighter and a smile spread across my face.

The funny thing is she looks nothing like me. I have a tanned complexion, green eyes and dirty blonde hair from Dad; whereas Emily sported unruly red ringlets, pale skin, freckles and the most magical eyes you have ever seen, just like our gorgeous mother. I guess it’s because of the age difference, but Emily and I never fought. In fact we were closer than close and couldn't be more grateful for each other.

 She held me closer and with every sob she squeezed me tighter.

 "Emily, Don't worry so much. I'll be back soon. I'm only going for my studies and I promise I will come back or you can come and visit me!"

 "Pinkie promise?" She asked in almost a whisper

 "I pinkie promise. Don’t be sad because I'm leaving, instead be happy that I'll be back soon....with presents!" Her eyes widened and she looked at me with hopeful eyes, her curls cascading around her chubby face.

 "Presents! For me?" I nodded.

 "Thank you Nat!" Beaming over the latest news, she hugged me and ran off down the hall.

Emily's POV

'Presents!' I thought as I made my way downstairs. Presents are always a good thing...but I still didn't want Natty to leave. When I reached the kitchen I looked up at mum to tell her the great news about the presents Nat was promising. But when I looked up at her face, I could tell that she'd been crying. I didn't know why, but the thing that confused me the most was that she' was crying and smiling at the same time. I didn't think that was possible...

"Mummy, why are you crying?"  

She looked at me with loving eyes. 

"Oh Emily, don't worry. I'm just a bit emotional that's all. Your sister's all grown up and leaving the country, she doesn't need her mum anymore." 

"Don't worry mum, I still need you!" I tried to reassure her.

"I know Em. But don't worry, I'm actually quite happy." 

"Is that why you're smiling?" I beamed at her as she nodded, proud of my latest revelation.  


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Btw i know this chapter isn't very eventful or exciting...yet, but i promise it gets better! All the action is in the next chapter onwards! ;) I dare you, click on the next chapter and keep reading. DOUBLE DARE!

xx Emma

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