Chapter 13 - Awkward Moments...

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Sorry for leaving you on a cliffy! But it was funnnn, also soz for not uploading for 2 WEEKS! Argh, I wanted to update literally the day after we uploaded 12, but that obviously didn't happen....

Anyways, here it is, Chapter 13 :D

Tell me in the comments section what you think! <3


Chapter 13

Nat’s POV

Although I was still initially in shock, my only thoughts were about how bad I looked. I had bed hair and I was in my 'Betty Boop' pyjama pants and singlet. Definitely not the outfit to be wearing in the presence of a celebrity. But then I remembered; I was mad at him, my appearance shouldn't be of concern. 

"I'll leave you two alone!" El said quickly interrupting my thoughts, and before I could stop her I found myself in our room alone....with Liam. 

"Nat, I'm so sorry." Liam began.

"Liam, don't. You have no reason to apologise, we're just friends right? You should just go tell your girlfriend about it instead. I don't have the time." Liam winced when I said friends. 

"You are my girlfriend Nat. That woman who called you, that was my ex. She cheated on me and we've been over for almost 9 months now! I don't have feelings for her." I could sense his words were true and as much as I wanted to believe him, I couldn't and I wouldn't. After reliving the pain of betrayal again, I don't know if I want to make myself vulnerable to that kind of hardship again. 

I bit my lip as Liam started talking again. 

"Please Natalie...I enjoyed myself so much the other night and I was hoping to have just as much fun with you in the morning. When I saw that you were gone I panicked. And I'm just letting you know that I plan on ripping Danielle apart for what she did. Eleanor's stopped me so far but she's not always gonna be there to worm me out of killing her."

"I enjoyed myself as well, but that woman you call your ex opened up a half-healed scar. I was hurting already and she twisted the knife." I almost started to tear up. The feeling of seeing the man you thought you loved in another woman’s arms getting it on, is the sort of image that never leaves you. 

"Nat, I hope you don't mind me asking....but why did you run off like you did? You could have asked me and I would have told you that you were my girlfriend. Why did you run off like that?" I bit my lip as I stared into his curious eyes. Should I tell him?

"M...m-my last boyfriend....Luke. I was with him for a long time, but then one evening I went over to his place to surprise him, it was our 2 year anniversary. But when I got there, he was having sex with my best friend!" A tear escaped, silently sliding down my cheek before many more followed. Not a second later, a sob swept through me as Liam came over and took me in his warm arms.

Embracing his musky scent, letting it overwhelm me, I let the tears gush down. We stayed like that hugging for a while before Liam cupped my face in his hands and kissed me. It wasn't lust filled like the other night, it wasn't aggressive and hungry. It was long, soft, wet and meaningful. I returned the kiss by opening my mouth the slightest bit, allowing him entrance to explore before he cupped my face again and said: "I would never do that to you Natalie..."

Those words were all I needed to hear. As wounded as I was, I recovered quickly. I looked up at him from under my eyelashes. His warm brown eyes beat down on me, forcing a smile. His hands made their way up my back pressing me closer to him. His lips grazed the end of my nose as they made their way down kissing just above my lip. My hands placed on his chest, I could feel his heart beat quicken as he kissed around the corners of my lips. 

“Such… a tease…” the words managed to escape my mouth.  

My lips brushing his skin were enough to make him quit teasing. Soft lips found my own. I kissed him tenderly as our lips moved together. My arms clamped around his neck forcing myself closer to him. My fingers crawled up the back of his neck towards the loose curls that fell around his collar. Way too soon, his lips left mine but remained against my cheek and said in almost an inaudible whisper, but loud enough to still give me chills;

'be mine'.


We watched the rest of the movie we had started when we made up, which proved hard for me to do. Liam was tracing patterns along my bare leg. Attempting to hide the goose bumps it gave me proved harder than I expected. I snuck a peak up at Liam who was looking contently at the flickering TV screen. Either he had no idea that he was literally torturing me or he was simply trying to play it cool –either way it made me grin...

"What are you smiling at?" Liam teased in his perfect northern accent, obviously catching me gawking at him. 

 "There's this huge pimple on your head...nope, wait. Sorry it's just your face." I smiled as I continued watching the movie. Although I could feel his stare I did not dare turn around. How does he like being teased?

Obviously a lot because at that moment Liam leant over and gave me a peck on the lips.

"Oi! Lucky for you, this big pimple loves you."


I played with his full brown curls, wrapping them around my finger, as he lay with his head in my lap fast asleep. His chest gently rising and falling and his hand loosely draped around my petite one.

I smiled.

Distancing myself from Liam had been indescribably hard, and having him in my arms right now, I couldn’t think of anything else.

Leaning down, I gently brushed my nose with his, tickling his cheeks with my lashes, and laughed as he moaned in his sleep. Hearing the sound of my laughter, he suddenly stirred and looked around like a lost puppy.

His eyes finally met mine and he relaxed as he remembered. I watched, those gorgeous lips curve up in a smile as he tackled me on the sofa, gaining control and hovering above me, knees straddling my waist. A giggle escaped from my lips as he smiled cheekily. His hands crawled their way to my sides…….but it was too late before I figured his true intentions…

I writhed in laughter as he tickled me, trapping me and preventing me from escaping. My sides hurt from laughing and we were both rolling around on the couch; me begging him to cease the torture and Liam continuing on grinning as wide as ever, when El walked in.

Her eyes widened, at seeing us in such close contact; Liam basically lying on top of me.

“Good now are we?” she laughed and stood there for a little, before walking off again to give us some privacy.

Liam turned back to me, his hair flopping on my face.

I ran my finger across his bottom lip and closed my eyes…..

 Life was perfect again. 


So tell me what you think, vote, comment and share.... Did you like it?

I would really, really like to hear from some of you guys coz I know you're there :P

Love Y'all and see you next chapter! Don't be afraid to message me....


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