Chapter 12 - Undisclosed Desires

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A/N- Hello to my loyal readers! Once again I apologise for the late update. I am trying really hard to write up these chapters ready for Tany to look at, but by the time she looks at it and we've sent it to our editor (Janna) then well...its already a week after we last updated. -_- 

If you want speedier updates...I want you all to go and message @TanyB2412 and nag her!! Post it on her message board or do it privately, just nag her so then she actually has a reason to write. Anyway, here is Chapter 12, I hope you like it!


Eleanor’s POV

Riiiiiing Riiiiiiing Riiiiiiiing

“PICK UP YOU BITCH” I cursed mentally.

Seeing Nat that upset had my blood boiling; the poor girl didn’t deserve the slightest tear of misery and Danielle…….I could honestly kill her. She has absolutely no right, whatsoever to treat anyone like that. 

Our friendship went way back, Danielle and I were sisters at one stage…..before she shattered Liam and left him tears and all. And, as much as I had loved her I could never forgive her for breaking Liam’s kind soul and now, for tearing Nat apart.

The ringing ceased, and a girl picked up the line on the other end. I hope she was prepared because I wan gonna show no mercy. 

“Heyyy Dani speaking” a slightly slurred voice managed.

She was drunk. Again. 

“Danielle, what is your problem?!” I yelled into the receiver, my voice pitchy and all over the place. 

“Wow...who isss this?” she hiccupped back, obviously hung-over and not appreciating my screeching.

“You bloody well know who it is!! Some nerve you have to go messing with Nat! Like Liam wasn't enou-?“

“El, hun, don’t get your knickers in a twist, it was just a little fun hey? It’s fine and who's is this Nat girrll, anyway?” Dani's slurring was getting on my nerves, and her obliviousness wasn’t helping either. 

"Liam's GIRLFRIEND until you came in and told her otherwise!" I was never angry like this, anyone who knew me would know I was not the person to dig into other people’s business and get my hands dirty, but this was definitely an exception. No one could treat my friends like this and get away with it. No, I wasn’t holding back. "They were together, happy! That was the first time I’d seen Liam that happy since your fiasco, it's like you don't want him to bloody smile! Why can't you just stay out of it and let him enjoy his life?!”

It felt good to let it all out, I could honestly go on yelling at Danielle forever. I already had so much against her, and she just managed to make every situation worse

"Man whoree. How dare he move on and get ano-der gurrrrl when we're still togetherrr!"

"Danielle you are not under any circumstance, together! You broke up 8 months ago when he caught you swallowing that other guy and now that you're bored you can't just expect to get him back! You hurt him and now that he's finally moved on, you've come back just to break him like a bloody promise!" 

"He's mine and no slut can take him away from meh." Danielle spat, leaving me gobsmacked. 

I sensed no sane conversation was going to take place between us with her at that state;

“Danielle, this doesn’t end here. If you come near either one of them again, you’ll have me to reason bitch” with that, I slammed down the phone and sat down staring at the receiver.

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