Chapter 6. Bianca

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After around two hours of questioning Ian with Salem glaring at me from the side, I finally stood up with a sigh.

"Okay, thank you for the info, Ian, that's enough, I need sleep." I say, fighting back a yawn and failing. I might have woken up at four at noon in Italy, but I have flown here for ten hours, traveled and fought, it's now midnight in Washington and I am exhausted.

"Which one of us should stay?" Ian and his questions are really starting to bug me, but I dont show it. He's just doing his job.

"I don't really care, play rock paper scissors. I'm going to take a shower." I say with a light wave of my hand and turn for my room to get some stuff for my shower, leaving the half finished bottle of scotch whiskey on the coffee table.

I can feel eyes on me, probably Salem staring daggers into my ass, but frankly, I am tipsy, tired, and don't give two shits.

After walking back to the bathroom, taking off my clothes and stepping into the shower I let the hot water run down my body, feeling my muscles relax. I breathe a sigh of relief and hum a song as I wash my hair and body before stepping out and wrapping myself in a towel.

Feeling much better and more relaxed, I walk out to see Salem standing next to the door, alone.

"You're staying?" I ask, not bothering to hide the surprise in my voice. He obviously doesn't like me, and I don't like him much either, except for the fact that he's handsome.

"Ian lost." He mutters, shifting his weight from one leg to another. I can see his eyes going down to my legs and then slowly coming back up to my face, his expression cold.

It takes me a second to remember I told them to play rock paper scissors. I give him a quick nod and turn for my room.

"You better not snore. I hate noise when I'm sleeping." I say simply, hearing his footsteps following mine.

"I won't sleep." He replies in the same monotone voice. God, there are no emotions in this man. I think that small, tiny, microscopic smirk I saw when Ian was talking and we locked eyes was something I imagined.

"Do what you want. Just don't disturb me." I mumble, brushing the whole conversation off as I go to dig through my suitcase for a shirt to sleep in. He's still standing behind me, judging me with his eyes. I finally find what I was looking for and turn to him.

"Leave, I wanna change." I say. He looks at me, not breaking eye contact as I look back at him. We stare at each other for a minute, then for two. He glances at the folded shirt in my hand, then at the towel over my body, then at my eyes again but he doesn't move.

"Leave." I repeat, this time sounding more like an order than a request.

I can swear I see amusement in his eyes, a slight eyebrow raise. He looks like he's about to snap back before turning around and stepping out of  the room, turning back to look at me in the doorway.

This guy thinks he's hilarious.

I scoff, walking over. I give him my sweetest, fakes smile I can muster, say good night and closing the door in his face. Then I quickly change into a pair of underwear and the shirt before putting my stuff away and getting into the bed, under the covers.

The bed quickly starts to warm up from my body heat and I sigh, snuggling into the pillow and the sheets before turning off the bedside lamp and slowly drifting off. I hear slight movement outside the door, probably Salem standing around or doing whatever but I couldn't care less, I'm too tired, and tomorrow is going to be a long day...

The first thing I hear when I wake up is my alarm, obviously. I lazily take my phone and lower the opacity as low as I can before looking over at it. Nine in the morning, not bad. I yawn, putting my phone away again and sitting up, rubbing my eyes. The room is quiet, no noise outside or any indication that someone else is here.

I get out of the bed and stretch my arms up before walking out to see Salem in the living room area, sunk into the sofa. He is man-spreading, his arms are folded in front of his chest and his head tilted to one side with eyes closed. He's sleeping while sitting up, obviously, and still in his suit from yesterday.

I walk closer and look down at him, analysing his face. It's quite peaceful when he's not furrowing his brows and glaring at me. Almost cute I would say. I smile at the though before nudging his leg with my foot.

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