Chapter 5. Salem

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I go back to where I was sitting after hanging miss Perez the bottle of water. I mainly did it so she's sober up at least a little and wouldn't have a hangover tomorrow. But seeing her face slightly flush after I told her to drink it and she actually did it instantly, I felt a surge that I should've given it to her not because it would make my job easier, but because I didn't want her to feel unwell tomorrow.

Ian and miss Perez continue to talk as I lean back into the backrest of the sofa, leaning my head on my hand. I can't help but stare at her.

Bianca Perez. One of the heirs to the multimillion Perez business. She doesn't have that air of authority or the look on her face like she's talking with people lower than her when she talks to Ian or me. It's like she has respect for us, which I like. A lot. Nevertheless, she's bossy. She is basically my boss, my client, yet when she ordered me to sit, I feel like I would have listened under any circumstances.

From the way she keenly listens to Ian talk about the situation, I can say she's smart. I can practically see  the way her thoughts run, how she bites her lip while she assesses the new information. And that lip bite is making my blood rush to the wrong places.

She's smart, bossy. She can fight, so she's obviously strong. And she's hot, for fucks sake, but she's bosses grandkid. Out of my league, obviously, but... would that actually stop me?

Her eyes meet mine while Ian continues explaining and we hold eye contact. She's stubborn, doesn't want to look away first but I can see the light redness coming onto her face. I don't even feel the tiny amused smirk lifting the corner on my lip until her eyes widen and her blush deepens slightly.

It's like she's trying to figure out what I'm thinking about, it's cute.

Cute? She's my client for fucks sake!

I snap out of it and look back at Ian who's thankfully still babling on. I nudge his shoulder and he glances at me, a little confused before looking back at Bianca.

Bianca? That's miss Perez for you, she's your boss.

"Does that explain the situation, miss?" He asks with a light motion of his hand.

She nods and asks a few questions as her and Ian keep the conversation going like nothing just happened. Like that eye contact, the light blush on her face and the tension in the air was all my imagination.

My internal monologue draws to a blank when I glance at her for what I planned to be a millisecond but get stuck on her smug smirk.

She made me look away, she thinks she won.

Something in my chest flares up in what I deem to be annoyment. She's cocky I don't know if I like or hate it. Actually, I don't know if she's fine or if I find her annoying.

My brows furrow and her smirk widens slightly.

Yeah, she's definitely annoying.

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