•you're my roommate?!•

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September 10, 2022

Claire's pov:

"Baby we're the new romantics, come on come along with me. Heartbreak is the national anthem, we sing it proudly."

I slowly opened my eyes. I rolled over and hit the stop button on my phone alarm.

Yes, my alarm is New Romantics by Taylor Swift.

Life's too short to have a basic alarm! Plus, I love Taylor Swift❤️

I sat up in bed, yawning as I stretched my arms. I picked my phone up, checking the time.


I planned on getting to the complex around 12:30 today to officially move in to my new apartment. I was feeling all sorts of different emotions last night and into this this morning. I'm extremely nervous to meet my roommate, but I am so excited to start this new chapter of my life.

I laid in bed for another five minutes, scrolling through instagram. I looked up Kayla's instagram, clicking on her profile. She looked like she could be Elizabeth Olsens doppelgänger. The resemblance was a little freaky. I looked through some of her pictures before I decided to follow her. I turned my phone off and set on the nightstand next to the bed. I stretched one last time before getting up and out of bed.

I neatly made the bed, pulling up the white cover over the matching sheets, smoothing it out before setting the pillows on top. I still made the bed as a common courtesy, even though housekeeping will strip the bed anyway.

Well, hopefully they will. You never know with hotels these days😬

After making the bed I decided to shower. I didn't want to show up to move in looking like I just rolled out of bed! I took my time in the shower. Letting the warm water cascade down my body was so soothing to me. I washed my hair and even decided to shave. It's not like I was going to be seeing anybody but my new roommate for the next couple of days, but I just thought I should do it since I haven't in weeks. After my shower I put my clothes on and blow dried my hair.

I put on a white tank top and a pair of jean shorts. Even thought its September, its till very warm in Ohio. I'm used to the heat in Arizona, but the humidity here is something else, so I put my hair up in a claw clip, pulling out some loose strands of my platinum hair to frame my face. Once I was happy with my hair, I started with my makeup. I never wear a full face of makeup. Just some concealer, bronzer, a little bit of blush, mascara, and lip oil is always my go to. It's super simple and super cute.

I finished up in the bathroom, seeing that it was now eleven thirty. I had about another hour before I wanted to be at the apartments. I slid on my white sneakers and double checked the hotel room, making sure I had everything. I grabbed my backpack and headed down to the front desk to return my room key and check out.

As soon as I sat down in the car, my stomach growled. I couldn't move in on an empty stomach and I hadn't had any coffee this morning, so I decided to go to Starbucks first. I mobile ordered my usual, a venti caramel iced coffee with cream. Along with a bacon gouda egg breakfast sandwich. I plugged my phone into the AUX and blasted my playlist while I drove to Starbucks. The starbucks was about a 15 minute drive from the hotel, so it wasn't too bad.

I was belting out the lyrics to Just Dance by Lady Gaga, when I pulled into the parking lot of Starbucks. I got out of the car and went inside to grab my drink and sandwich. I thanked the baristas and went back out to my car. I sat in the parking lot and ate my sandwich before getting back on the road.

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