•the argument, the date, and the disappointment•

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November 4, 2022

this chapter is VERY long, i apologize in advance lol

Claire's pov:

I put on my red oversized University of Arizona sweatshirt and went out to the kitchen to make my morning cup of coffee.

I had the day off of work today, so I figured I'd stay home and do some cleaning. Joe had some of his teammates over after practice a couple days ago and the apartment was still a mess.

I cant even remember the last time this place was properly cleaned. Gross.

I pulled a coffee cup from off the rack next to the coffee maker. I put the cup underneath it and prepared the coffee grounds. As the coffee started to drip into the cup, the bathroom door swung open and Joe walked out, clad in his black gym shorts with a tucked in black long sleeve that had the bengals logo just above his left pec. Towel in hand, he walked down the hall towards my bedroom. Well he wasn't going into my room, right across from my bedroom was the laundry room. He threw the towel into the laundry basket designated for towels and walked back into the kitchen.

Joe smiled at me as he walked into the kitchen, "Morning Claire."

I smiled up at him as I grabbed the coffee creamer, "Good morning Joe."

He opened the fridge and pulled out the egg carton, a diced green bell pepper, chunks of ham, and shredded cheddar cheese. As he put the ingredients on the counter he spoke, "How'd you sleep?"

"Pretty good," I said with a nod, "you?"

"Good until my alarm went off," he replied, chuckling lightly.

"You didn't want to work out at five A-M with Ja'Marr this morning?" I asked with raised eyebrows and a smirk.

"It was actually seven this morning."

"Oh, wow seven?"

Joe nodded as he walked over to the stove and got a skillet out.

"Can't believe he let you sleep in?" I said, shaking my head, "Usually he's pounding on the door if you're not out by five."

Joe and Ja'Marr have a very weird work out schedule. Some days they're up before the sunrise, working out for almost two hours before their all day practice. Other days they're up at a more reasonable time, working out for longer.

Joe chuckled, "He was feeling extra nice this morning I guess."

I smiled and let out a laugh, "Yeah, I guess so."

I went back to preparing my coffee as Joe started making his breakfast. As he was whisking the eggs together, he turned to me as I was putting the coffee creamer away.

"You want any eggs?"

I shook my head. "I'll stick to my coffee for now. But thanks."

He nodded and turned his attention back to making his breakfast. I stood in the kitchen, sipping my coffee and watching Joe make his egg. He grabbed a plate from the cabinet above him and set it down on the counter, sprinkling cheese over the eggs and letting it melt before he put a large portion on the plate. He turned the stove off and grabbed a fork, setting it on his plate. He walked into the small dining room that was just off to the side of the living room. I followed him, deciding to keep him company as he ate his breakfast.

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