•the stockings were hung🎄•

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December 5, 2022

Claire's pov:

"Do you have a Christmas tree?"

"What?" Joe called from the bathroom. I sighed and walked out of the kitchen. The bathroom door was wide open so I decided to walk into the bathroom and talk to Joe. I, of course, assumed he was decent since the door was wide open.

"I said-."

"AYE, AYE-."

I covered my eyes and turned around. I was not expecting to see Joe butt naked.

"I'm sorry! I assumed you were decent! The door was wide open." I exclaimed, defending my actions. I chuckled and added, "Plus, it's not like I haven't seen it before. Hell, pretty much all of America has seen your ass."

I turned around, peeking out from under my hand slightly. I pulled my hands away and opened my eyes when I saw Joe had a towel covering his waist now. My eyes scanned his body, taking in the muscles of his biceps and his chest and abdomen that was glistening with droplets of water. I just couldn't look away...

He cleared his throat causing me to take my gaze away from his body and look at his face. He let out a slight chuckle as a smirk made its way onto his face.

"You were saying what about a Christmas tree?"

"Do you have one? It's December now and I think we should put one up."

December is my favorite month because of Christmas. I love all of the decorations and the lights. The cold weather, the hot chocolate, and the baking is all very enjoyable to me.

Joe shook his head, stepping into the shower and closing the curtain behind him. He reached out and peered from behind the curtain.

"Can you hand me my clothes?"

I furrowed my brows and handed him his clothes.

"I can leave so you don't have to change in the shower?"

"Thanks," he brought himself back into the shower and said, "well you're already in here," he gestured to the bathroom, "and I'm already in the shower getting dressed so..."

I shrugged and continued to talk.

"I think we should decorate the place a little bit. Maybe put some lights up, find a tree, get a wreath, you know all the Christmas stuff. Maybe some stockings because it's not Christmas without the stockings."

Joe pulled open the shower curtain open, stepping out onto and the bath mat and ruffling his wet hair with the towel. He nodded along as I spoke.

"I don't have a tree here though."

I shrugged, "We can buy one."

"Who's we?"

"Okay, I will buy one," I stepped out of the way so he could he look in the mirror, "did you not have one last year?"

"I did," he said, rubbing his fingers through his damp hair, "but I didn't bring it here. It's either in storage or at my ex-girlfriends place."

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