ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕆𝕟𝕖

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                                                                                  𝑴𝒂𝒚𝒂 𝑺𝒕. 𝑴𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒊𝒏

The brunette boy whimpered above me as his hands squeezed the life out of the armrest

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The brunette boy whimpered above me as his hands squeezed the life out of the armrest. "P-Please, Maya," he whimpers. I run my tongue under his cock, then make a circle with my tongue around his tip. "What is it that you want, Joseph?" I say, fisting him with my hand. He lays back in his chair enjoying the feeling of my hand all over his cock. I grip the base of it.

He lets out a gurgling moan from the back of his throat as I move my hand up and down his dick faster. "Please make me---" He doesn't let himself finish the word. Joseph is a 20-year-old man who has never touched his private part unless it was to clean it when he bathed. I thought he was joking at first, but then when he asked me what does it mean to come, I knew he wasn't kidding. 

For the past two weeks, I have supplied him with blowjobs to help him get the feel of it before I leave for college. I never understood how the girls from his high school never jerked him off. He was pretty hot and had amazing abs. And a total sweetheart.

He was the only guy who didn't treat me like a piece of ass when I started working at the bar. "Why should I let you cum, hm?" I ask, peering up at him through my eyelashes. "What have you done for me?" Joseph whimpers slightly before trying to explain. "I h-help you serve people. And I...I showed you how to make a Malibu Sunset." I pretend to think for a second. "I don't think you should come," I say, moving my hand faster. "I don't want you to come until I say you can." I know he wants to, but Joseph is a good boy, so he'll hold out. For the next two minutes, I switch between using my mouth, my hands, and my breasts. 

I finally let him come down my throat. His heavy breaths fill the air as I put my bra and shirt back on. My phone starts to ring. I pick it up and look at the caller id. It's my Mom. Excellent. 

"To what do I owe the great pleasure, Mother?" I say, sarcastically. She clicks her teeth and I can feel her roll her eyes. 

"Maya, why aren't you home yet? Your flight is tomorrow," she responds. 

Ah yes! The day she's been waiting for since the day I learned to talk. For me to be out of the house. I start college at California State University next week and I have to leave tomorrow. My older brother and sister are perfect in her eyes. My brother is in medical and my sister is going to Harvard Law in a couple of years. And me...........I still have no idea what the hell I want to do with my life. Well, I sorta do. But, it's not acceptable to my Mother. Being an artist is not a St. Martin thing to do. Even if I am really good at it or it's my passion, she doesn't care. That's my Mother for you. 

"I'm on my way home now, Mom," I reply.

She doesn't even respond before hanging up the phone in my face. Right. I grab my backpack and turn to Joseph. His pants are back up and he rebuttoned his shirt. "You're actually leaving, Maya?" Joseph asks. I walk in front of him and put my arms around his neck. He puts his hands on my waist and tries to pull me in. I back away slightly and he frowns. 

"I'm going away and I don't want any ties back to Arizona," I say, quietly. He nods. "I know," he says. "But, I just wish...." I look up at him and smile. 

"Hey, no frowns. As long as you won't forget about me then you have nothing to worry about," I say. "And plus..." I run my hand over his crotch and his bulge instantly grows. 

"Whenever you touch yourself, you'll have no choice but to think of me," I whisper.

I step away from him and wave goodbye and he waves back. I leave the closet and head to my car. I let out a deep breath before driving back home. I open the door to my house and Sunny comes up running towards me. I crouch down and pet my dog.

"Hi boy! How are you doing? Did you miss me?" I baby talk to him. "Get off the floor and stop covering yourself in dog hair, Maya," Mother says. Where the hell did she even come from? 

It's like she just appears out of thin air. Like some sort of superior evil. 

"I had the maid pack all of your things. So you don't need to spend any money when you're in California," she says. 

"Mother, I told you I can pack my own bag," I say, exhaustedly because she always does this.

"I don't pay her 75K a year to let you pack your own bag," she says, blankly. 

I thin my lips and nod. There's no sense in arguing with her because I know that both of us are stubborn and won't stop until the other person taps out. Basically hours of screaming matches. I head upstairs and get ready for bed.


The ride to the airport was incredibly excruciating. If it wasn't my Mother telling me ways not to tarnish the St. Martin name, it was her yelling at the driver to "Stop being lazy and drive or your ass is fired." 

After we arrived at the airport, she realized that the second I was out of her supervision, she joined the flight. Bought herself a round trip to California. For two fucking weeks. 

On the plane, she snored louder than a bitch in heat and I had to be the fool next to her, completely embarrassed that I was related to her. 

Now I see how she always feels. 

We were currently at the main entrance of the apartment Mother paid for. Thank God California State doesn't require freshmen to live on campus since it's their first year. Three bellboys help us take my belongings up to the apartment. "Your apartment is 13E," Mother says and then directs the bellboys to the apartment. 

"How much would it cost for you guys to set up her things in the apartment?" Mother asks taking out her checkbook. 

She already flipped to the page and has a pen ready to go.

"Mother! I'm 18. I can unpack my own things," I yelled, glaring at her.

She always does this. Always sets this posh, snobby bar, and then people assume I'm like that. 

Two hours later, my things are unpacked, the bellboys are gone, and my Mother has ordered me groceries. Which will arrive in 10 minutes. I really didn't want to go to the store tomorrow, so that's a thing I am thankful for.

"Alright, Maya. I'm off to find a decent hotel around here. I'll check on you tomorrow," she says and then air kisses me bye. Like the whole double cheek air kiss thing. Not even Grandma does that and she's the most snobby woman I know.

Finally, it's just me alone. Paradise. 

                                                                           End of  Chapter One



Okay, this is the end of the first chapter and I am very very very very anxious. I don't even know if I'm actually going to upload this.

I know that this episode was kinda boring and very uneventful (AND VERY VERY SHORT). I wanna say it's a filler episode, but it's the first episode. It shouldn't really be a filler one, right? 😅             

Anyways, don't worry, there will be a lot of drama and a lot of spice coming up.

Please feel free to let me know if you see any grammatical mistakes or errors. I might be passing English class but that's because Quizlet is bestieeee 😗


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