ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕋𝕨𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕪-ℕ𝕚𝕟𝕖

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                                                                                   𝑴𝒂𝒚𝒂 𝑺𝒕. 𝑴𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒊𝒏


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Kol's eyes widen as he looks at the messages. He moves his hand to console me, but I jump up and scramble through my closet, looking for clothes.

I grab a random cropped shirt and some sweats. I put on the first bra and underwear I find. I grab my phone and rush out of my dorm room without another thought.

I need to get to the hospital now!

I need to make sure my best friend is okay.

Kol catches up behind me and slides into my passenger seat. Kol has been here for me, more than ever. I really have to make it up to him after everything is over. 

I speed to the hospital. I'm surprised I didn't get a ticket. I almost hit two cars. But, I had to make sure that Angela was okay.

I run to Angela's hospital room and burst through the door. There's nobody in the room. I start to panic as I stand in the doorway in fear. 

My panic subsides when Angela walks out of the bathroom. I walk over to her and walk her over to her bed. "Maya, I hit my head, I didn't lose my legs."

I roll my eyes at her comment. I help her sit back on the bed and sit down in front of her. My face is riddled with worry. Kol decided to wait in the lobby to give us space.

I kind of wish he was here right now, so I could hold his hand. It would've given me comfort to deliver this news.

I let out a deep breath before I speak. "I was in our dorm with Kol...changing...." Angela quirks an eyebrow at me in amusement. "...when I got this message."

I take out my phone, scroll to the unknown number and hand it to her. Angela's face visibly pales at the messages.

She drops the phone and her hand starts to tremble. Tears slowly flow out of her eyes. 

I bring her into a hug as her sobs get heavier. "I know you didn't want to do anything about it before, but I don't give a fuck. I will strap you to my back and drag you to the police station to file a report."

Angela clutches onto me like she's about to fall. "I c-can't...Maya." Her sniffles and sobs were heavy. They drowned the entire room. "I can't live like this anymore. Cowering in fear because of him." 

I hear steps and I turn to see Leo in the doorway. "Angel? Angel, what happened?"

Angela was a sobbing mess. She couldn't talk anymore. She was just mumbling. But, Leo understood her. He understood everything about her.

I back away and let Leo scoop her up and hold her close. I feel myself getting emotional. 

I leave the room and close the door. I go into the little corner and start pacing. Stress was flooding through my body. 

Ryan was dangerous. Ryan was dangerous and he was after Angela. He wanted Angela. And he was willing to hurt her to get her.

I felt like I was about to fly into a panic attack. Someone came up behind and my body relaxed ever so slightly because I knew who it was. 

I turn around and saw his beautiful hazel eyes trying to give me comfort. I grasp onto his forearm to try to steady myself. But, it wasn't working. The body was rasing on panic and terror and I could feel tears brimming.

My chest was heaving and Kol brings me into his arms. I feel my knees getting weak and I collapse onto the floor. Kol goes down with me. He holds me gently, so I don't hurt myself and rocks me in his arms. 

He whispers sweet things into my ear to hush me and calm me down. But, I was a mess. Ryan was going to hurt Angela. Angela was the first person in my life I truly let in. What if he seriously hurt her? What if she died? 

Kol and I stayed on the floor and continued to hold me and rock me. I sniffled and heaved into his chest. "I don't know what I would do if I lost her, Kol."


Three days later Angela was released from the hospital. Everyone wanted her to go straight to Leo's house, but she wanted to head to the police station. 

She wanted to make sure Ryan was away from her for good. Leo was inside with her and Kol and I waited outside, in the lobby. He didn't have to stay with me, but he did. He says he wants to be there for me.

To be my shoulder to lean on.

It was nice. To have someone to rely on.

"Take my mind off it," I whisper. "Tell me something. Anything."

"Uh...Amanda says she wants to see you again," Kol replies. I smile up at him.

"That's nice. Maybe we could do lunch?" I shrug.

Kol shakes his head. "You don't have to. My sister's persistent and doesn't have an off-switch, so she's hard to say no to. But, I can--"

I cover his mouth with my hand. "Kol. It's fine. I would love to have lunch with your sister."

I feel his smile against my hand, and he gently pecks it. I remove my hand. "I'll come with you. She can be quite overwhelming to newcomers."

I lean my head back onto his shoulders. "Thank you for being here for me. You could've done anything else, but you decided to be by my side while I'm here for Angela."

Kol hesitantly brushes his fingers against mine before interlocking them. I blush at the contact. It felt so intimate.

I felt like I could stay here forever.

Butterflies were fluttering around in my stomach. Kol was here. He was present. He was there. There like nobody else was.


There were a couple of feelings there.

                                                                    End of Chapter Twenty-Nine




I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I know it's been a little depresso, but things will start storming up between Maya and Kol again.

We are officially halfway through this book and I'm so excited for what's next for this series. 

Please let me know any grammatical errors you see in this story or any ideas you have.


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