ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝔽𝕚𝕧𝕖

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                                                                                  𝑴𝒂𝒚𝒂 𝑺𝒕. 𝑴𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒊𝒏

I stroll into the bar and analyze the scene

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I stroll into the bar and analyze the scene.

A few cute boys, weirdos, and couples danced to the music.

I go over to the bar and slide into a seat. My body was hot and my mind was in a frenzy. I was thinking about Kol.

I masturbated to Kol—a guy who I don't even really know.

I want to get him out of my system. I need to get him out of my system.

"Can I get you anything?" the female bartender asks.

Before I can respond, a voice cuts me off.

"She'll have three shots." 

I turn around and see the British bartender from the club. He sits in the seat next to me and smiles.

"I'll take a scotch," he says, and the lady leaves.

"You remembered?" I ask, my voice pitched.

It was a little weird considering that it's been almost 3 weeks, but a little flattering.

He winks at me and takes out a 20

"I've been thinking about you ever since I met you," he says.

My eyes flicker in amusement. Found my target. 

I scoot a little close to him and smile seductively. "It's nice to be thought of." I run my fingers over his right arm ever so slightly. 

"You thought of me romantically?" I ask, in a low tone. His eyes flicker from my eyes to my boobs.

"Definitely." I smile and run my fingers down his collarbone. "Did you think of me......sexually?"

The bartender's mouth gasps open. He quickly closes his mouth and swallows. "Y-Yeah." He's getting nervous. He never expected me to be actually into him

Truth is I'm not.

I just simply need a dick to ride for an hour or two.

"Would you like to take me home?" Before he answers, I add on. "Your home."

His cheeks tint a bright shade of pink and he clears his throat. "I-I just need to use the restroom." He quickly jumps out of his seat and runs in the direction of the bathroom. 

If I weren't me, I would almost think he wasn't into me.

"He wouldn't be able to handle you," a deep voice says from the other side of me. A deep, velvety voice that sent chills down my spine.

"Kol." I turn around and see him sip on his drink. He turns to me and the corners of his mouth turn up just a tad. "How'd you know?"

I smile a little at his remark until I remember what he previously said. "What do you mean?"

"About what?" he asks and then downs the rest of his drink. The female bartender comes back over with my shots and the British bartender's drink. "That he wouldn't be able to handle me? What did you mean?"

He turns his entire body and he looks at me. His eyes scan my body entirely. It was a different type of glance. He wasn't disrespecting me. He was analyzing me.

I began to feel awkward and my confidence faltered before he began to speak.

"You're sexy, you're confident. You put on a front that you're some boss bitch who takes no shit and doesn't need anybody, they need you. But, really you're a girl who wants someone to hold her and take care of her. To baby her, but also give her her freedom." 

My mouth gapes open. "You're a complex girl with baggage. A lot of it. You can tell by the way you carry yourself." 

"You'll be too much for him. He thinks he wants you, but really he just wants to be skin-to-skin."

"W-What?" I mutter.

His lips twitch. "Sorry, sweetheart. He just thinks about you sexually."  Kol takes out a 10 and throws it on the bar. He slides out of his seat and leaves. 

Did I just get read by a guy I masturbated to an hour ago?

I feel a trickle of a tear fall down my face and I quickly wipe it away. I drink all three of my shots and let out a deep breath. 

The British bartender comes back over to our seats and I turn to him. "Sorry. It was a little line for the restroom." 

"Hey, you wanna get out of here?" I smile. He smiles back and nods. We head out of the bar and go back to his place.


The sex was mid. 

I don't know what I expected. His dick was average. I didn't orgasm, but he came three times.

As soon as we were done, he passed out. I grabbed my shit and left. It was embarrassing.

At least he got his pleasure though.

I was left unsavory and unsatisfied.

But, I wasn't in a frenzy anymore. I still thought about Kol. But, not about having sex with him. I thought about his words.

You're a complex girl with baggage. A lot of it. You can tell by the way you carry yourself. 

I wouldn't know if I was a complex girl. But, with baggage? Yup! My mother is a fucking control freak and my Dad died when I was little. And I barely speak to my brother and sister. I haven't seen them since they left for college.

You'll be too much for him.

I'm too much for most people. 

Joseph was the only person who tolerated me for a long time. Angela is becoming accustomed, but she'll probably leave too. 

That's what everyone else did.

He wouldn't be able to handle you.

If he wouldn't be able to handle me, Kol...who would?

                                                                       End of Chapter Five


Okay, this chapter is a little short but I hope you still enjoyed it all the same.

I love you guys.

Thanks for choosing my story!

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