ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝔼𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕖𝕖𝕟

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                                                                                 𝑴𝒂𝒚𝒂 𝑺𝒕. 𝑴𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒊𝒏

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I woke up the following day with a raging headache. 

After I saw the hickey on my neck, I decided to forget about the confusing......emotions that were starting to arise for Kol. 

So, I got shit-faced drunk. 

My phone starts to ring. Angela groans. I stagger out of bed and groan. "Shut the fuck up!" Angela yells and throws a pillow at my face. I roll my eyes. "Angela, I will put a ringing bell to your fucking ear, bitch," I say.

I pick up my phone and see Aureila St. Martin flash across my screen. I groan again. I answer the phone. "Mother, it is 9 am on a Sunday," I say.

"Maya Anneliese St. Martin, take your fucking phone call outside," Angela yells.

I roll my eyes. I put on my fuzzy, duck slippers and go outside. "How can I help you, Mother?" I ask. 

"We haven't seen or talked in a while," she says. I roll my eyes again. "Yeah, after you slapped me, I didn't have much to say," I say. I can hear her eye roll over the phone.

"Well, you pushed me over the edge, Maya," she says. I roll my eyes and sigh. "I understand that I said a few hurtful things and I...apologize for that."

"You're sorry?" she asks. I could feel the smugness radiating through the phone.  I roll my eyes for the fourth time. Talking to this woman is honestly exhausting.

"Yes, I am sorry," I grit. "Was there anything else you needed?" A beat passed. "Hello?" I ask. 

"I would like to have lunch every Sunday," she says. I let out a surprised laugh that sounded completely disrespectful. I did not mean to laugh like that, but honestly, that was the funniest thing I've ever heard.

"What's funny?" she asks. I try to hold in another laugh. "Nothing's funny."

"You laughed," she retorted. I smile and bite my lip. "You and me? In public? Partaking in a meal? Together?" 

"Yes! Why is that so ridiculous?" she screeches. "Mother, we didn't even eat together when I lived at home."

"Well, I want to change that. How about 1?" she asks. I sigh. I know she won't give this up. And she'll through it in my face that she's financially taken care of me my entire life and that she's currently paying for my college. I don't get my trust fund till I'm 21, so I can't pay for it by myself. 

"Twelve is fine," I say. She says excellent and hangs up the phone. I walk back into my dorm and shut the door. Loud. Just to piss Angela off. 

"Bitch, just because I'm hangover, doesn't mean I won't beat your ass," Angela says.

I throw myself onto my bed. "Did you feel Leo's dick when you were grinding on him yesterday?"

Angela gets up. "You've officially ruined my morning." She lays back in bed, her bed facing me. 

"You guys were huddled in that little corner all night. Am I sensing love in the air?" I tease. Angela throws another pillow, but it hits the wall instead of me. "Missed me!"

Angela gets up and faces me. "And what about you, miss thing? I saw you with Kol. I also saw his lips on your neck. And judging by that whopping hickey right there..." She points at the hickey on my neck and my hand flies to cover it up.

"Maya, I'm your best friend. You can lie to Kol about your feelings for him, but not me," she says. I roll my eyes. "What feelings?"

Angela rolls her eyes and scoffs. "Every time someone mentions his name, your entire face flushes a red color and your eyes sparkle. The looks you always give each other. Every time you guys look at each other, you look like you want to fuck each other. I'm surprised you haven't already."

I turn and look the other way before speaking. "We slept together yesterday."

Angela throws two pillows at me, which knocks me back. "Maya Anneliese St. Martin, you whore!"

I giggle. "I told you and Charlotte that's what I was going for." Angela rolls her eyes, playfully. "Okay, but Kol is temperance ol mighty. You guys build up the tension and then end up backing down."

I scoff. "Hey, now! I never back down. Kol is the one who wants a relationship and I don't. I have always been honest about my intentions. He finally let his wall down."

Angela frowns. "But is it worth it? Kol might have agreed, but like you've been telling me forever, he's always wanted a relationship. How are you so sure that this is something he's fine with? How do you know he won't have a momentary lapse of judgment?"

I let out a breath as Angela's words sink in. I never really thought of that. How Kol is really feeling. If this is what he wants. If he won't change his mind. If he believes I will change my mind.

I look at the clock on the wall. It's almost 10. "Maybe I should talk to Kol. Make sure I know where his headspace is. Make sure he knows mines."

I let out a deep breath and push myself off the bed. Angela gets up. "I have to get ready too. Leo and I are doing lunch." I smile, but then it fades away when I remember I have to do lunch with my Mother.

"At least your afternoon will be pleasant." Angela and I get ready and part ways. I plug Kol's address into my phone and drive to his house.

I skim my hands over my outfit before I knock on his door. The door swings open immediately with Kol standing in the doorway. 

He was dressed in a white polo, with black ripped jeans. He had a chain that blinged in the light. The tattoos on his arms made him look good. Super good. He had white vans on and his aroma smelt of delicious axe body cologne. 

"Maya," he says. His eyebrows shoot up in surprise, but his mouth curves in seduction. His arms, instinctively wrap around my waist and bring me closer. His head drips down and his lips land on mine. 

Our mouths move with vigor and power, that it sets my entire body on fire. Our tounges danced with vivaciousness and joy. His grip on my waist tightens and my hands fly to his hair. I tung on the strands and a groan leaves his mouth. I feel his bulge brush against my stomach and I pull away. I smile at him. "Hi."

He smiles back at me and his eyes glisten. He goes back in, but I move my head. His eyebrows knit in confusion. "We need to talk, Kol."

"I have to go grocery shopping," he says. I comb his ending hair. "Take me with you," I say.

Kol's face breaks into surprise. "R-Really? You want to go out in public with me?"

I roll my eyes, shove him, and laugh. "You act like I actively avoid being in public with you. Plus, it's not a date. It's just two friends hanging out."

Kol swallows and looks at me, briefly. 

"Okay. Let's go."

                                                                           End of Chapter Eighteen


Okay, I know I said I was going to make another story, but I changed my mind.

While I was trying to make the other book, I kept thinking about this book and the story I have planned for it.

I hope you guys enjoy the double update!

Don't forget to vote, comment, and share this story with all your Wattpad-loving friends!

Please let me know if you see any grammatical errors.


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