ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕋𝕨𝕖𝕝𝕧𝕖

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                                                                                          𝑲𝒐𝒍 𝑺𝒎𝒊𝒕𝒉

I told myself to stay away from her. She didn't want what I wanted. She wasn't a relationship person. I didn't want to get hurt. I knew she would hurt me. But, I just couldn't stay away.

She was so beautiful. From the moment I saw her that day in The Red Vixen. I knew I wanted her to be mine. Her big beautiful, brown eyes. 

I wanted her mind. Her body. I wanted my soul to be intertwined with hers.

The moment I begged her to stay, I knew that she had me hooked. I wanted a girl I knew I couldn't have. She didn't want anything beyond sex. But, I was determined to change her mind.

I might've failed the first time, but I'll keep trying. For her. I knew that she would be worth it.

"What do you want me to make you? I'll make you anything you want," I say.

Maya sets her backpack down and walks to my kitchen. She slides into one of the bar stools and shrugs. "Anything is fine. I'm not picky," she says. She turns to look at me and her big, brown eyes send a delightful tingle to my cock.

She could probably see the large bulge in my pants. I walk to the fridge and open the freezer. "I could make you a pizza," I say. Maya nods quickly and looks away. 

She knows that she should've left. She knows that if she left, that would've been the end. But, she didn't leave. Meaning that she doesn't want it to end.

I grab a DiGiorno pizza from my freezer and put it on the counter. I take it out of the box and put it on a pizza pan. I turn the oven to 450 degrees and give it a little time to get warm.

"Tell me something no one knows about you," Maya prompted after what felt like a decade of silence.

I think for a moment. No one knows me better than my sister. So, what is something she doesn't know about me?

"I'm afraid that I won't accomplish everything I've ever wanted in life," I say. "I don't want to look back at my life and regret everything." 

Maya smiles. "I know that you'll have an amazing life. Full of accomplishments galore."

I walk around the island and stalk toward her. I tower her frame and she avoids eye contact. I grab her by her chin and make her look up at me.

"What have you never told anyone?" I ask.

 Maya doesn't need to think about her answer. She doesn't tell anybody anything. All of it is bottled up inside her. Not even her own friends know her. Truly know her.

I wanted to truly know her.

"I'm afraid that when I have kids, I'll end up just like my Mother," she whispers.

A hair falls in front of her face and I move it. "You could never be like your Mother," I say.

She rolls her eyes. "You don't even know my Mother."

"I know you," I respond.

She sighs. "Nobody knows me." 

"Then let me know you," I whisper. 

I run my thumb across her bottom lip. We draw ourselves closer together. Our lips were inches apart. It felt like we were about to kiss until a knock comes at my door.

For fuck's sake!

I retract from Maya and drag myself to the door.

I open the door and see my sister's face in the doorway. 

"Now is not a good time," I whisper-shout.

"Who's there?" Maya calls out.

My sister gasps. She shoves her way through my apartment and runs to the kitchen.

"Oh my God, you actually have a girl here," she beams.

I sigh and close the door.

Maya's face looks like a mix of confusion and awkwardness.

"I'm Amanda. Kol's older sister," Amanda says. She goes in and gives Maya a hug. She squeezed the living life out of everybody. I grab her and pull her away from Maya.

"I'm Maya. Kol's friend."

Maya and I glance at each other as she says friend. 

I hate the fucking word friend.

"Are you guys about to eat?" Amanda asks, looking over at the pizza sitting on the island. 

Shit. I grab the pizza and carefully put it in the oven.

"Maya, do you mind if I join you guys?" Amanda asks.

Maya smiles and shrugs. "I don't mind."

Amanda turns to me. "Do you mind, Kol?" she asks.

She's patronizing me. She knows we're not "friends"

Amanda is smart. Amanda has common sense.

"We actually have a project for a class to do and we need complete concentration," I say.

Maya quirks her eyebrows at me. What are you doing she mouthed. 

Amanda rolls her eyes at me and turns to Maya. "Good luck dealing with Kol. You'll need it."

I walk Amanda to the door. 

"School project my ass," she whispers. "What's the deal between you two?"

"There is no deal," I say and shove her out of the apartment.

"That was rude," she says and leaves.

I roll my eyes and shut the door.

I turn around and see Maya standing right behind me.

She looks at me and she looks annoyed.

She crosses her arms and it pushes her boobs up ever so slightly. 

Get it together, Kol.

"School project? Really Kol? You're acting like we were two seconds away from having sex," she says.

I stare at her intensely. "Right?" she asks.

I take a step closer to her and grab her by her waist. I pull her until her body is completely pressed against mine. 

I can tell she feels my reappearing hard-on by the way her breath hitches. I slowly run my hands up and down her waist. Her hands swing around my neck.

"I want you, Maya," I whisper. 

"Then have me."

                                                                       End of Chapter Twelve


A little short chapter for you guys.

I hope you guys enjoyed reading Kol's POV.

This for sure is the beginning of Kol and Maya.

I love you guysssssssss!!!!!!!!!!

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