ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕋𝕨𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕪-𝕆𝕟𝕖

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                                                                                   𝑴𝒂𝒚𝒂 𝑺𝒕. 𝑴𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒊𝒏


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Kol drops me off at the restaurant my Mother sent me. It was some fancy-pancy restaurant, but did I expect anything less from Aureila St. Martin?

I walk into the restaurant and walk up to the host. "Reservation under St. Martin," I say. The host looks up from her phone and at and scans my outfit. 

"The rest of your party is already here. Right this way," she says, her voice filled with judgment.

Okay, bitch.

The hostess walks me to my table and there I see my Mother. "Maya, so excellent for you to join us," she says.

Us? I turn and see my brother sitting across from my Mother. My mouth gapes open. 

"Liam..." I haven't seen my brother since I was like 12.

I try to say something else, but words have failed me.

Liam rises out of his seat and sweeps me into his arms. My entire body relaxes in his firm grasp—my brother's hug. I haven't hugged my brother since the day he left for college.

Liam lets me go and guides me to the seat next to his. After I'm seated, he sits next to me. "It's so nice to see my kids together. If only Zoey could have been here," Mother says.

I see Liam's eye visibly twitch at Mother's words. Liam has always been protective of his sisters. Especially Zoey. 

I was always able to shake off Mother's words. But, Zoey was sensitive. Mom would often say she was like our Dad.

For any conversations that were slightly offensive to Zoey, Liam would defend her. He was wrecked after Zoey was raped. He was out for blood. But, the rapist was long in jail.

I lightly drum my fingers on the table. "Maya, stop that. We're in public." I roll my eyes, let out a breath, and remove my hands from the table.

"So I hear you're in college now," Liam states. I look at him and nod. We get consumed in silence that's awkward and uncomfortable. 

It's not at all like the silence I have with Kol.

Comfortable silence.

"What have you been up to...after you left?" I prompt. I hate awkwardness. 

"I went to college planning to study to become an architect, but life had other plans," Liam says. Mother's eyebrows furrow in confusion.

"You didn't finish college?" Mother asks. "You sent me your degree and everything."

Liam shrugs. "I photoshopped it." 

I glance at Mother and watch her face goes pale. "Then what have you been doing with the money I've sent you for your tuition each semester?"

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