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Alastor's POV:
I stare at Angel, my heart stopping.
He looks at me, then at Mimzy, then back at me. His eyes full of hate, regret.. heartbreak.
"Shut the fuck up." He snarls.
I stop talking.
"You promised you'd love me. That you'd never leave me again. You promised you would never cheat!" Angel yells, tears in his eyes. "Angel, I- I'm sorry!" I say, I reach my hand out for him. But he slaps it away. "We're fuckin' done. I ain't givin' ya anotha' fuckin' chance anymore."
"Angel, please! Let's work this out! I'm sure we can-"
I stop moving. he's never yelled at me before. Only scolded or a tap on the head, but never yelled.
"Ya know how many times you've cheated?!"
I shake my head.
"Ya don't know!? Ya hear that ladies and gents? HE DOESN'T FUCKIN' KNOW!"
"Too many fuckin' times."
"What?" I softly say. "I gave ya so many chances. I showed ya love. I showed ya happiness. Was that not enough? Did I do somethin' wrong for ya to cheat?" Tears roll down in his eyes. "Al, we have a fuckin' baby on the way," He gently rubs his stomach. I immediately stop everything. "I'm- gonna be a father?"
"You were."
He takes off his wedding ring and hands it to me.
"We're through."
"Angel, wait! Please! Give me one more chance!" I beg him.
"Ya cheated. Ya hurt me." He removes a patch of his hair away from his eye, revealing a massive burn on his face. "Last night, ya threw scolding hot water at me. I only asked if ya wanted to go out.." Angel says softly, tears finally racing down his face.
"I love ya, Alastor. But I don't think ya love me.."

And then he walks away.

𝐑𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now