My Little Siren

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Alastor POV:
I stir the boat into more calm seas, the wind blowing in my hair. Salty wind, smells relaxing.
"Al, we caught something ya might wanna see." Husker says as he walks up the stairs. "Okay, Nifty, please take the wheel." She nods and gets on the stool, keeping the boat on good waves. "Lemme go, ya sad sack of shits!" A voice yells.

I look at the net, which has a lot of fish inside. But what caught my eye was the fluffy, pink siren inside it. "Lemme out! I swear to Trident if ya don't, hell will be--"

I grab my sword and cut the net open, allowing the siren to be freed. It's a male.

The siren looks at me and only me. Something about him attracts me. But he isn't singing. "I am Alastor. Alastor LeBlanc."
"Angel Dust. Call me Angel" He replies. I get on one knee to face him at eye level. "Do you need help getting to the water?"

Angel shakes his head, "Can I have something to dry with?" He asks, I get up and grab a towel then come back and hand it to him. He dries himself, causing his lower body to become legs instead of a tail.

Mariano is too busy staring at his fluffy breasts, drooling like a dog finding a bone. He opens his mouth, about to say something too sexual and dirty to him, so I grab my coat and cover his body. "Dear, you need clothes."

"What are those?" Angel asks. I chuckle, "The things Im wearing right now."

"They look comfy." He softly says. "They are. Charlie, do you have any clothes that would fit him and his.. chest?" Charlie looks at me and nods, she walks to the girls room and comes back with a pink and white pirate dress. The shirt is white and has a boob opening while the skirt is pink and stops above the knees.

"It's so pretty!" The siren exclaims with a smile. "I've never seen anything like it. Do I keep it? How much Kelp is it worth?"


"Our currency."

"It's free!" Charlie says with a smile, she hands Angel the dress. "Go change, I have some boots that you might like."

Angel nods and gets up, my coat starts slipping off of him. I immediately slip it back on him. "Uhm, sir?" He mumbles, his cheeks reddening.


"Your touching my breast."

I look at where my hand is. It indeed is touching his chest area. I can't help myself but stare at his size.

And fuck, they're big.

"Me and the girls will help him since the men here are perverted." Vaggie says as she drags Angel to the girls room. "I am not perverted! I was merely distracted by his-"

"Dude, admit it. You stared at his breasts." Husk says drunkenly.

Angel's POV:
"What does perverted mean?" I ask as I put something called a bra on. "How old are you?" The girl named Vaggie asks. "Sixteen."

"He's our age, how do you not know what Perverted means?" Charlie asks.

"I don't have the same exposure to the outside world as you do." I reply. "Perverted means-" Vaggie covers Nifty's mouth with her hand. "You don't need to know."

I shrug and put the skirt and top on.

"Here's the boots." Charlie says as she hands me a pair of fashionable black boots.

I put them on and look at the thing called a mirror.

"Your so pretty!" Nifty exclaims. "Thank you, Nifty." I reply with a smile. "C'mon, let's show the boys." She quickly says as she grabs my hand and drags me out of the room.

Alastor and the man named Mariano are bickering when we get there. "Dude, I wanna see!" Mariano exclaims. "You are far too perverted. You might damage his innocent mind!" Alastor yells back.

"Angel Cakes, you stupid slut! How didja' lose th' money!!?" Valentino yells as he slaps me with his tentacle. "I'm sorry..H-he touched me without payin' and I panicked.." I mumble.

"Shut the fuck up!" He screams, "I'm gonna teach ya a fuckin' lesson ya won't forget!" He grabs my tail and rips my shells off from my chest and tail. I cry out in pain-

"Dude, you okay?" Husk asks, snapping me out of my thought. "Mhm." I mumble, wiping the tears from my face. Alastor shoves Mariano out of the way and towards me. "You look incredible, dear." He says with a smile.

I blush and give him a shy smile, "Thank ya." I reply. I notice the water below us becomes more rough and aggressive..



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