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Angel couldn't feel anything, his mind broke, his heart shattered, his breathing stopped for a moment.

The man he loved more then anything in the world, dead in his arms.

Because of him.
Angel woke up, his breathing heavy, but quiet. He looked beside him, seeing nothing but the reminder of what happened. His husband dead because of him.

His kids hate him and his friends barely acknowledge him.

He was alone again.

Because of those fucking Angels.

Angel sat up, wiping his tears from his eyes. He got off his bed and went to the bathroom, staring at himself in the mirror.

His reflection was shattered completely. He wondered why only his reflection was shattered to him but nobody else. Nobody's reflection was shattered or telling them horrible things about themself.

They couldn't see his broken reflection.

It was only him who could.

'Your fault. Your fault. Your fault. Kill yourself.' Angel's reflection spoke through the large cracks.

Angel splashed water on his face then brushed his hair, he left the bathroom and put on his usual pink and white suit.

He left his and Alastors room and walked to his kids room, opening the door.

"Mochi? Annabelle? Bonnie? It's time for breakfast." He softly said, it's been a month since Alastor died protecting Angel.

His children are going through grief.

He was going through grief but never showed it.

"Go away, Mama." Mochi spitefully said. His children loved him, but they blamed their mother for their fathers death.

"Just get up, I know your upset. Please." And with that, Angel left his kids. He went to the hotel rooftop. He spent his time there the most.

He lit a cigarette and blew smoke into the air. He looked down, wondering how the impact would affect his body if he fell.

He shook his head, ignoring his intrusive thoughts. He tossed the cigarette in the ash tray after a few minutes of smoking.

He went to the hotel lobby, saying good morning to the rest of the staff.

They ignored him, as usual.

He went to the kitchen to make breakfast for everyone.

An hour later, the bacon and eggs were ready so he poured everyone a plate full.

Angel didn't eat that often anymore.

He hardly did. The only times Angel did eat, was when people watched him. But that was much too rare. So he got away with not eating.

"Charles?" Angel muttered, "When's the next group therapy session, again?" He asked.

"As I was saying, Vaggie. I wish someone who was pink and white would shut up and leave me alone since I don't like him anymore."

That definitely stung deep.

"Nevermind." He said as he went to the hotels garden and sat in front of Alastors grave.

He placed a red rose on the ground, tears falling out of his eyes.

"It should've been me, Al. Why did ya do it? Why did ya get in the way?" Angel asked, holding in his loud cries.

"Our kids hate me, Alastor. Our friends don't acknowledge me anymore. Everyone blames me for your death. I blame myself for your death. I'm so sorry, Cervo. I let you die in front of our kids."

Angel wiped his tears. He spent two hours in front of Alastors grave. Sobbing and pouring his heart out.

His grief was too much to handle for him.

He couldn't take it anymore.

The disrespect.

The lack of joy.


"I'll see you soon, my love." Angel whispered as he got up and went to his bedroom. He tied a knot on a rope, the gap being big enough to fit his head. Angel placed the rope on a small random hook on the ceiling. He put his head in the gap and kicked the chair.

He couldn't breathe.

His vision slowly blurred out.

His body slowly stopped moving.

Mochi walked through the halls, they were upset but they knew that their mom was trying really hard to make everyone happy. They opened their mothers room, only to see a hanging corpse.

"Mom!?" They screamed, tears pouring out of their eyes. "What happened, Mochi?" Charlie asked as she rushed over, she clasped her hands over her mouth as she saw Angel's hanging corpse.
"HE DID WHAT!?" Vaggie cried out, "Angel hung himself." Charlie softly muttered, tears glistening her eyes.

Bonnie and Annabelle cried in their older siblings arms. "We- We were so mean to mommy.." Bonnie babbled, she was only three years old. Annabelle was five and Mochi was eight.
Angel's eyes opened, everything was pitch black. Static rang in his ears. He stood up, a rope mark around his neck.

"Angel?" Alastor spoke. He quickly whipped his head around, seeing his lover. "A- Al?" He mumbled as he walked to him, placing his hands on his deers cheek.

"My love, why are you here?" Alastor asked, Angel looked down. "They all hate me. Everyone hates me, I couldn't take it anymore. I'm so sorry. Ya must hate me too. I'm the reason why ya died."

"No, no, Angel-"

"It's true!"

It was a good morning while Angel Dust walked to the hotel, he was married to Alastor, had three kids, and the hotel buisness was booming. Angel Dust got an amber alert on his phone so he checked.


He couldn't believe what he read. He picked up his pace, quickly running to the hotel.

He was opened the hotel doors, Angel flew down, about to strike Angel Dust in the heart.

"Angel, look out!" Charlie screamed, Angel Dust flinched. But nothing happened. He turned around, seeing a figure in front of him. An Angel's spear pierced through their chest.

"I love you, my darling." Alastor whispered as he collapsed. Charlie quickly turned the Angel to ash and ran to Angel Dust and Alastor.

"A- Al!?" He cried out, holding his lovers body close. "I'm sorry, my dear. I do not think I'll be able to come back this time." He coughed out. "A- Alastor.." Charlie whispered, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Mochi, Annabelle, and Bonnie stared at their fathers corpse. "You did this.." Mochi whispered, tears glistening in their eyes. "No- No. Alastor, wake up!" Angel Dust cried out.

"You died because of me. Because of my stupidity! I can't handle it anymore!" Angel fell to his knees, crying loudly. Alastor sat beside him. Holding his lover close to his chest. "My love, don't cry."

"I'm here now."

Part two?

𝐑𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now