𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒕 - 4

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Author's POV

As our beautiful couple are sleeping peacefully on their respected places our morning sun was trying hard to disturb their sleep but what could he do when our couple closed all the door of their room as if they are doing something not so innocent well inreality nothing but our hero sleeping on his beloved couch and our heroine sleeping on bed.

Anjana came to wake up the couple as it was too late and our sun can't make it happen. Anjana knocked the door to wake up the couple.

Abhimanyu was the first one to wake up as soon as he heard knock on the door he opened the door to his mother standing with a smile adorning her.

'Good Morning maa' Abhi wished her.

'Good morning beta! Naina!?' Anjana asked Abhi.

'She is still sleeping maa' Abhi said.

'What you did with my daughter that she is still sleeping till now' Anjana teased him with a sly smile.

'Maa! There's nothing like that you know' Abhi whined.

'Okay! Okay! I got. Beta have you guys had talk?' Anjana asked concerned.

'No maa. Yesterday she was too tired with all the drama so I decided I will talk with her later' Abhi said to her.

'Abhi just don't shut yourself. She is your wife don't forget that. She deserves to know everything about your past and yeah I know you will tell her that very soon. Just give her time to adjust and don't take our all your anger and frustration on her. Okay!?' She said him. While Abhi nodded his head.

'Okay I'll go now. Shall I send breakfast here 59 your room or you guys will join us?' Anjana asked him.

'No maa. We will join you!' Abhi replied.

'Maa where is Akshata?' 'Oh she is with Arna and Arav' Anjana informed him.

'Is she alright?' Abhi asked his mother.

'I'm you mother and her grandmother I know how to take care of my grand daughter better than you Mr. So don't worry she is very happy with her bua and Chachu you know. She is playing and before you ask me yeah Arna and Arav are fed her her breakfast. Now go and fresh up come to breakfast not for lunch' Anjana informed him.

'Thank You maa' Abhi thanked her mother for taking care of her daughter.

'Shut up you' Anjana scolded her son.

As soon as Anjana left Abhi turned to see his newly wedded wife missing on bed. Missing!? Naah she don't let him live peacefully. Abhi heard the sound of shower and understood that Naina is in washroom. Now he have to wait till Naina come outside to kill time he decided to do some workout. Abhi left to his gym room which is attached to his room.

Naina's POV

Shit! Naina how can yo be so dumb. Now what will I wear. I could have asked maa when she came to wake us up. But how can ask her when I was in her son's clothes and infront him. I know Anju maa will definitely tease me if I go infront of her like this. That is why I silently left to washroom to do my business as mother and son duo are conversing. Now I forget that I don't have clothes except for towel. Arghh! This is all because of that stupid, idiot fellow.

I slowly peeked through door to see if my not so innocent and arrogant and mostly importantly few hours old husband is in room or not. Luckily he is not. Then I will take one his clothes and wear them and whenever he comes in room I'll ask for my clothes. Sounds like best plan. Without wasting anymore minute I dashed out only to bump into the wall. One minute when did the wall suddenly appear here? I stood there confusingly.

𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐝 𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐦Where stories live. Discover now