𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒕 - 5

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Sorry for this late part! I was little busy with my works.

By the way Thank You all for your constant support. Now we've crossed 1k reads and 100 votes.

Recap- Please read previous part to avoid confusion.


Naina's POV

Arghh! What is this? Who the hell has guts to disturb my sleep. Groaning inwardly I opened my eyes to see one day old husband of mine.

Glaring at him I spoke, 'What the hell is this Abhimanyu? Can't you see I'm enjoying my beauty sleep and you arrogant man hell bent on disturbing my sleep. What do you want now?'

'Woah! Calm down tigress. It's dinner time, so first you fill your tummy then you can enjoy your so called beauty sleep.' He said while rolling his eyes at end.

'What's the time now?' I asked while getting up from bed slowly detaching Aru who is keeping peacefully. Today is my first day at my in-laws and here in spending my whole day while sleeping in room rather than spending time with them.

'Put a break to your thoughts and I give you 10 minutes and I want you to fresh up so that we can go outside and have food you know. Unlike you I'm working till now so I need energy to continue with rest of my work' He spoke while checking his mobile.

'Always work and work. He should've married his work rather than me' I thought in my mind.

Giving him one last look I left to washroom to wash my face.

As I exited washroom, the scene infront of me stirred many emotions in me. Abhi was playing with aru with a never ending smile on his face. As if he sensed my presence he gave a breathtaking smile and got up from the bed while coming towards me with Aru in his arms.

'It was not even one day, she was totally attached to you and bacame mumma's girl' He spoke while handing me Aru.

Mumma, I don't know but I accepted Aru as my daughter the moment I first held her. May be she is not my biological daughter but for me she is more than that. It's not even a day I officially bacame her mumma, I'm very much attached to her.

'Mumma' as soon as the word hit my ears I was back from my dreamland and looked at Aru with teary eyes. She called me Mumma. Mumma.

I looked at Abhimanyu who was equally shocked as me and already looking at me with teary eyes.

'Mumma, come one tell once again" Abhi spoke while encouraging her to say.

'Mumma, Mumma, Mumma, Dadaa, Mumma' Aru spoke in between. We both smiled with teary eyes. It was her first time saying Mumma and Dadaa. I don't know how to put these emotions in words. It's just best feeling ever. I'm mumma now that too, to the cutest girl.

'Baby, I love you, now tell me Mumma once again' I spoke while kissing her cheek.

'Mumma' She spoke as if she understood what I say.

'Mumma' I say while playing with her.

'Hmm' Abhi cleared his throat as if indicating that he is also present in same room as ours. But who cares, my daughter spell mumma for first time and I want enjoy this moment.

'She spell 'mumma' for nth time for her mumma who is one day old whereas I'm her father for one year and only one time 'dada' that's not fair aru, come one day dadaa once again' Abhi said with a cute pout.

'Mumma' she spoke while touching his face with her small fists.

'That's fair aru. It's dadaa' He said again but instead of dada aru being aru she again spoke 'Mumma'. I just stood there laughing at duo.

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