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"Kaitlyn get the hell up!"
"Don't make me come up there"
Is all I could hear early Saturday morning.
"Okay I'm up shut the hell up!" I yelled back. He just grunted. My dad likes to wake me up early and make me wash his car early Saturday mornings before his "meetings" I honestly don't know what he's doing but I know it's not for his job.
"Kaitlyn, I'm leaving in 1 hour hurry up."
I didn't reply, it was 5:47 In the morning and I wasn't happy about it but it's what I did if I didn't want to get slapped. Plus I get paid a hundred dollars.

I threw on a random shirt and kept on my athletic shorts from last night. I threw my hair up into a messy bun and went down stairs. It was still dark outside but casually getting lighter, I went to go grab a bucket and a sponge.

I turned on the hose and filled up my bucket with soap and water. It was still dark enough for the street light to be on and I could hear the assortment of beetles and buzzing. I started to push the sponge all around the car and the windows.

My dad has a black camero with red rims.
As I was washing the car I felt a presences, as well as a pair of eyes. I quickly shot a glance down the street but saw no one, so I soon turned the opposite direction and a boy In a grey hoodie quickly looked away.
Something about him made me wonder. I don't know what it was, was it the way he was looking over at me, how mysterious that hoodie made him look, or the fact he had either a cigarette or a blunt in his hand.
I went back to washing the car, I looked up and saw the sky begin to brighten slowly but enticingly. I looked over to the now empty driveway that used to be the habitat of a mysterious boy. How long had he been there?

later that day Tyler (my older brother) dropped me off at work, I work at a bookstore with this older woman jena who is so wise, we can have a conversation about anything and everything.

I went about my week the way I usually do waking up around 9 unless it's a Saturday, have my brother drop me off at the bookstore around 10, I work until 2 and then I go out with my friends. I just graduated and don't really know what my next step is going to be, college is on the table but I don't want to have to go through more learning, this is a very big topic for jena and I, i just want the degree so I can get farther in life with ease. I love to write. I write about everything. It's what I do my friends catch me writing all the time wether it was in class, during lunch, on the bus, at the coffee shop, literally anywhere. But only close friends know I usually tell everyone else it's homework.

Next Saturday I got up early again. same routine mostly. I noticed the boy again, but this time he didn't look away, he just bobbed his head up a little. I continued to wash the car, but I peaked over and he was still looking, this time he had crouched down and was sitting with his hands on his knees. I just minded myself, but I peered once more and there he was just staring away. "Hey buddy, take a picture, it'll last longer." He got up and shook his head as he walked inside with a slight grin on his face. I wasn't sure if he was laughing at how ridiculous he must have felt, or the fact that my sly remark was really unoriginal and weak.
When I finished the car, my dad told me today was going to be a long one so he won't be home until monday, which means no dad for the weekend. But I was kinda happy because I didn't have to hear his high,drunk ass, bitch and moan about every little thing. But his wife (evil step monster) Bridget wasn't much better. this evil brat actually gets off her ass to yell at us, and there was always something to yell about.

It's been summer for about 2 and a half weeks now and I'm already hating having to be home more often than usual.
Tyler's never home when I need him to be. He's usually with teagan his girlfriend. I like her she's really nice. but I only get to see her when I go somewhere with them because Tyler is sure as hell not going to bring her here. So I took a shower which was un needed because some friends (jess and Sam, not a couple) wanted to go surfing in venice. So when I hopped out, I threw on a blue bikini top, with black vs bottoms and a maroon cutout sweater over top. I left my phone at home because I didn't care if Bridget needed me or not.
I heard Sammy honk and saw him pull up in his car so I slipped on my birks and I walked outside. perks of having a working father aka secret drug dealer that he thinks I don't know about, is that we have some good cash. So our house is a pretty big size.
As I was walking to his car I saw the mystery boy watching me, who was no longer in a hoodie but in a muscle tee and khaki shorts riding a long board past my house.

"hey mama " sam said, who is very social. He's not the first person you'd guess I was friends with but in his mind he's just like me and jess, and we love him to death. When I say just like us I mean the smoking and the drinking, or the boarding and the so called "hipster/grunge" style of the 21st century.

Now jess is a very funny girl who likes to drink and thinks getting high with us is fun but can't take a hit without of cough or gets drunk after her 2nd beer. She's so sweet tho. " Hi honey" jess said. "Hey lovelies" I said back.

"who's that?" Jess questioned. "I'm not really sure." we were all looking toward him. "Oh thats easy, that's Jack he move here a couple months ago and dropped out of  highschool , he might be going to college but I'm not so sure I think he's from Omaha . I heard he has a bad rep, but will most likely be extremely popular." Sam replied. Jess and I stared with a little shock in our expressions.

"I promise I'm not crazy, my friends met him a couple times and they told me about him ." He defended. "Well he's hot asfff" Jess replied. "Jesss... You have a boyfriend." I said. "well I can have an opinion can't I?" She defended. I just shook my head. She was dating Grayson, they're like madly in love but are very conservative, also they fit together like a puzzle piece. Lowkey always have been jealous of them, but then again all that lovey dovey shit scares me.

When we got to the beach we immediately grabbed our boards from the back of eddies, and small shack up the beach, I'm friends with the owners and we keep our boards there so we don't have to drag them around cali. I was beat by 7:30 and I fell asleep at Sammy's , we had dropped off jess and we went back to his, it's two streets over from my house.
That's how I know Sammy, we've lived here for over 10 years  and met at the community pool. Our moms were super close, but she's not around anymore so we try to still keep their bond. 

I went home that night, Sammy dropped me off in my driveway and a car pulled in to the neighbors. Where the mystery boy Jack  lives. I come to find a man hopping out and locking it. He had a dark beard and was wearing a normal outfit, he looked put together and nice. I mean I would hope so his house was nicer than mine and I can gladly say that my house is pretty damn nice. No sign of the boy though....

Hi this is my first chapter I started writing this about two years ago but I was also like 15 and it was dumb so this is the edited version I left a good amount the same I'm going to be editing chapter two next and then I'll republish it and begin chapter three.

(Also yes idk if anyone even still reads jack gilinsky fanfics but I used to love them. So leave some comments or gimme some likes. ❤️)

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