𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 4

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(Greyhat's POV)

"Do I really need a manager? I know I've been a bit- off lately but I am fine, really." I say as I finish fixing my tie.

"Yes you do, you need to get your head back on track," Flug says fixing Blackhat's tie. "Sides, there's no going back now, the students are waiting for you and Blackhat." I walk over to both of them, ready to go. I sigh quietly. 

"Fine." Blackhat fixes his outfit and looks at me. 

"Let's go get this over with." He rolls his eyes. I'm still surprised that Blackhat is actually doing this, he hates big events. I sigh sorrowly, I guess being in love does really change you. I look up to Blackhat opening a portal to a room, it looks like an office. Blackhat walks in and I follow him in, I look back at Flug as the portal closed, he was waving at me. I smiled and waved a little back before it was gone. I looked back at Blackhat who was now standing next to a man, he was pretty tall and had blueish-green skin and dark black eyes with white pupils. I took a step toward them both.

"Oris this is my friend, Greyhat, Greyhat, this is Oris Coldstone, the principal of this school." I go over and shake his hand.

"Nice to meet you Greyhat." He says to me. "You can call me Oris."

"Nice to meet you too," I said with a toothy grin. 

"He looks a lot like you Lord Blackhat." Oris lets go of my hand and looked at Blackhat. Blackhat looked at him.

"It's a long story that I don't have time to explain, shall we get started on the tour?" Blackhat looks to the door. I could see he wants to get this over with as soon as possible. 

"Of course, follow me." he walked over to the door, and we followed him until he stopped in front of it and turned to us. "I must warn you before we start, a lot of students are very eager to get the position so we might have a few groups of them- following us." I look to Blackhat, hoping he knows how to answer.

"Don't they have class?" Blackhat asked.

"Of course, but many have perfect grades so skipping a class or two won't hurt them." Blackhat looked unimpressed. He rolled his eyes and then spoke. 

"Well, let's get on with it then." He looked at me as Oris opened the door. "You alright with paparazzi?" I take a minute to answer. 

"Yes, as long as they keep a distance." I didn't like the thought of being grabbed at. Blackhat nodded with a grin on his face and followed Oris out, I then followed him out. Let's get this over with. 

(Ace's POV)

"Maggie, come on, it's only one side, you should be able to finish it." I sighed. I watched as Maggie slacked off while an assignment was in front of her.

"I don't feel like doing it." She said in her defense, I sighed as I finished up mine and scooted it over to her. 

"Here, just copy it." She looked at it and then started writing it down. I sighed as I laid back, I looked around the classroom to see how empty it was. Everyone must be skipping for Blackhat. There were only 6 students in there, 3 counting me, Maggie, and Brandon. Man, everyone really wants to get out of here huh? I'm surprised Brandon's here I thought to myself. Maggie finished writing the assignment down and went to go turn both of ours in. The teacher didn't seem to care, she seemed busy writing something down. I looked at the clock to see that the class wasn't gonna end for another 40 minutes. I sighed as I looked away and back at Maggie who seemed to have noticed the time too. She sighed as well.

"Aceeeeee, I'm boreeeeedddd." She whispered to me. I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, I can see that." 

"Well? What are we gonna do?" She looked at me.

"I don't know, just draw or something." I grab a piece of paper from my bag and start doodling. Maggie gives me a look, she likes giving me looks as if I'm stupid. 

"Nah, I don't feel like it." She says looking around, she spots something and then taps my shoulder. "Ace, Ace!"


"Look!" I look over at a table with three people at it, it was two jocky-like guys and one barbie doll-like girl. 

"What about them?" I look at her.

"Don't you remember them?" I shake my head, and she sighs. "That jocky dude on the left is the guy who called me a maggot last week." I look back at them.

"Him?" I point at him, and she nods. "Well, what do you want me to do?"

"I want you to mess with him." She shows her hands under the desk to reveal the slingshot, I sigh.

"No, Maggie, we only do that to Brandon, no one else." She pouts.

"Come on, just this once?" She gives me puppy dog eyes that I can refuse, but I knew she wouldn't stop until I said yes. 

"Fine, just this once." She squeals as she hands me the slingshot and a pebble. I set it up and aim for the back of his head. I pull back and wait for Maggie's signal. Once she nods I let it go, but he suddenly moves his head, making me hit him in the face.


"Hey! What the fuck?!" The guy says as he rubs his head. "Who the fuck did that?!' He stands up angrily, and so do the other two. 

"Oh, shit," I whispered to myself, I had already hidden the slingshot and grabbed a pencil but Maggie was too busy laughing to act normal. 

"It was you wasn't it maggot?!" He says getting closer with his squad behind him.

"Nope, but that was hilarious! Hah!" She looked like she was about to fall over. 

"Who did it then?!" The girl spoke up. 

"Doesn't matter, I'll beat both of them up." The boy pounded his fists together, what did I just get us into? They started walking menacingly toward us until they were stopped, by Brandon. 

"Come on guys, don't be hasty, I get hit in the head all the time, it ain't that bad-" As Brandon rambled on, he used his hand behind him to signal us to go. We took a minute to realize this before we ran out. 

"Hey! Get back here!" The boy yelled as we passed him. Maggie was laughing as we squeezed past kids in the hall, trying to get away from the barbie squad chasing us. I squeezed past a huge group into a clearing, then looked behind me to see where Maggie was, I didn't see her.

"Maggie? Maggie!" I yelled but I was cut off when I was tripped, I looked to see what tripped me, it wasn't anyone's foot, it was a portal. A portal? No one is allowed to use their powers in the halls!

"This is what you get when you mess with me!" It was the boy I hit, he was making portals everywhere. Of course, it's the guy with portal powers I thought as I got up and kept running. I kept pushing people out of the way and trying to avoid the portals. I didn't even know where I was or where I was going, I just knew that he was still behind me. 

"Come on, come on, come on!" I said as I ran, I hoped for a bathroom to hide in but no luck. I was running out of breath, I hated running. I could only think of one person at the moment that could get me out of this mess, get me and Maggie out of this mess. 

"ORIS!-"Suddenly I fell into a humongous portal, into red darkness.

Ace of Hearts (Villainous AU / Acehat / Read Desc.)Where stories live. Discover now