𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 8

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(Ace's POV)

Oh, my scientists, he's serious. I sit in silence looking at his hand, was I really doing this? I don't know if I can trust him but what about me and Maggie? If I don't take this will we be stuck here forever? I have to make this decision fast. 

"I- I accept."

(Greyhat's POV)

The girl Maggie started jumping up and down while I smiled at him. "Good, I-"

"Wait." We all look over at Oris, he did not look happy. "I cannot let you take him." I gave him a confused look. Blackhat stands up.

"And why can't he?" Blackhat glares at him. Oris stands up from his chair.

"Because-" He walks over to Ace. "He's my son." 

(Ace's POV)

Great, now they know. Greyhat looked shocked, and so did Blackhat, Maggie didn't react, she already knew. "He's your son?" Greyhat responded.

"Yes, adopted if you really need to know." He puts his hand on my shoulder. "And I do not think he is right for the position." Here he goes again, not letting me go, it pisses me off that he keeps me here like a rat in a cage, and for what? Exactly, nothing. I couldn't take it anymore. "You see Ace needs to continue his studies-" 

"No Oris! I'm not doing this anymore!" I move away from his hand, turning to him. "I'm done with you and your bullshit! I finally got a deal with a big villain that fits what I need, I'm not letting you ruin it because you're selfish!" 

"Yeah! You tell him!" Maggie yelled, cheering me on. Oris just glared at me.


"No! Don't 'Ace' me, I'm not letting you keep me here anymore, I'm an adult! I can do what I want!" He walks closer to me.

"Oh really? You're an adult now?"


"You beat up a kid just a bit ago, tell me again you're an 'adult'." He started to get aggressive.

"Because of you! You made me this way! You worthless, selfish little-" He grabs my arm, I realize what I have done and closed my mouth. His pupils glowed red, I felt his claws dig into my skin. He was really mad, like- really mad.

"How- dare you speak to me like that after all these years I took care of you Ace, years! When no one else did!" He growled at me. "You listen here, you are not leaving here, you understand me? Never. In fact, you aren't ever leaving your room! You brat-" He raised his other hand, I prepared myself for the inevitable, looking away from him. I waited for the smack but I never got it. Confused, I looked back to see his hand was stopped, by Blackhat. I was pulled back suddenly by Greyhat, right into Maggie's arms. She hugged me as Greyhat stepped in front of me. 

"W-what?" I said quietly.

"Mr. Coldstone, I have seen enough." Blackhat growled, I saw Oris slowly turn back to normal, he seemed- afraid? 

"Sir Blackhat, please forgive my yelling I just need to deal with my child, they need discipline to learn after all, you understand." Blackhat glared at him. 

"No I don't, but I do know hitting anyone is not okay." Oris seemed to be getting mad again.

"Why do you care? You are one of the most ruthless villains out there, you kill people almost everyday." Blackhat just stared at him. He then walked closer to him, causing him to fall back.

"Well, one, Ace has been chosen to be Greyhat's manager so I can't let you keep him from him. And two," Oris' back hits the wall as Blackhat stares him down, he was only a foot away from him. He whispers in his ear. "I'm a villain, not a monster." Oris shivers, causing Blackhat to laugh, he backs up and walks over to the door opening it. "Since I'm feeling nice today, I'll let you keep your job. But-" He grins evilly as he holds the door for us. "You are now on janitor duty. You will tell the janitors that they have the day off and that you will be cleaning for them from now on." Oris just stared at him in shock. "Don't worry, it's only for a month." He laughed, as he motioned us out the door, me and Maggie went through then Greyhat. I looked back to see Oris still against the wall, I have never seen him so afraid. "Now, we will all be on our way, enjoy your evening." He gave him one last smile before closing the door. Oh my scientists, that was- unbelievable. Maggie was still hugging me, she wouldn't let me go and I was okay with that. Blackhat turned around to face us, so did Greyhat. "Well, what are you waiting for? Go get packed, we leave immediately." He turns to Greyhat. "Go with them to make sure they make it back without any problems. "Greyhat nods at he starts walking with us, following right behind. 

I didn't know what to say or think, this was all going so fast. Maggie still had an arm around me as we walked which started getting annoying. "Maggie, let go please." She let go.

"Fine, but you better be alright, why did you never tell me about this?" I turn to face her. 

"About what?"

"About- your dad, about- everything." I turned away from her.

"I just- couldn't, I'm sorry." She sighed.

"It's fine, we don't have to deal with him now, just in the future, don't keep secrets from me K?" I smiled at her.

"Alright." She smiled at me and then looked behind us. I looked to see Greyhat just smiling and walking.

"Say Greyhat, you got room for the both of us?" He looked at us in silence. 

"Of course."

"Oh alright, I would have just slept in Ace's room but-"

"No need, you'll get your own room." That was a quick answer I thought, he looked at me. "Say, Ace, are you truly feeling alright? You seem pale." I look away from him.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I'm usually this pale." 

"It's true, sometimes I think he puts on white face paint to look like the clown that he is but he doesn't, it's all-natural." I glare at Maggie as she laughed, I heard a low snicker from behind me, it was Greyhat. Great, now I got my new boss laughing at me already. 

"Whatever, here's my dorm." I turn to open the door, then pause. "Wait, Maggie, your stuff is at your house, how are you gonna get it?" Greyhat and I look at her. She shrugs.

"Ehh, I didn't have much, I'll just take what I get." I roll my eyes as I unlock my door and walk in. I start by folding my blankets and packing them in a suitcase I found in my closet. I felt awkward as I packed, knowing every step I took was being watched by him. Maggie just started helping me, putting some of my clothes in it. Once we were done I grabbed the case and looked at Greyhat.



"Well then let's go." He turns to head out, and we follow. I closed and locked the door, then started down the hallway with the other two.

"Ace?" I turn to see Brandon, he just stood there staring at me with a somewhat sad look on his face. "Are- are you leaving?" I sigh.

"Actually yeah, I am." I look away. 

"But that means- you're both leaving..." I could hear the sadness in his voice.

"Yeah..." I said, Maggie was looking at the floor, she couldn't bare looking him in the eyes.

"Ace we must be going," Greyhat says, I sigh, I look back at Brandon.

"I guess you won't have to tolerate us anymore." I joke, even though I was a bit upset leaving him, he was an ass but- still a friend at heart. He sighed as he started to walk up to me. "Brandon what are yo-" He hugged me, I didn't know what to do at first but then I gave in and hugged him back, Maggie joined in, a big old group hug. It lasted a good minute before we heard a sigh from behind us. We all let go to look at Greyhat, he seemed so done with this. 

"I guess Blackhat wouldn't mind me having 3 assistants like him, right?" I felt myself smile a bit in shock, did he mean?-

"Really!?" Maggie said jumping over to him. "You mean it?!"

"Yes, yes, now come on, Blackhat doesn't like waiting." he turned around ready to walk down the hallway to the front doors.

(Time Skip) Brandon is packed and Blackhat is done being angry at Greyhat. 

Blackhat sighed as he opened a portal. "Here we go." I just looked into the darkness. "Well? go on then, I promise it won't bite." I looked up at him grinning at me, that smile does not reassure me. I looked at Maggie who just smiled at me, then at Brandon who gave me a somewhat smile, then at the portal, and I sighed.

"Let's do this," I say as I walk in. My vision went dark, there was nothingness, then out of nowhere, a light appeared, showing a slim man wearing a paper bag on his head, a woman with long green hair, and a giant, blue- bear?

Ace of Hearts (Villainous AU / Acehat / Read Desc.)Where stories live. Discover now