Chapter 5

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I don't remember falling asleep last night.

I opened my eyes and saw the sun flooding in through my window.

"Too bright." I groaned to myself then rolled over putting my face into my pillows.

My head was pounding and throwing up was probably in my near future.

I'm never drinking again.

Eventually I rolled out of bed and wrapped my blanket around my body and left my room en route to find coffee.

I walked into the kitchen where coffee was already brewing and Emelia was sitting in her usual spot at the counter with her laptop in front of her.

I had completely forgotten about everything last night until I saw her face. I felt my face flush remember how I wanted to kiss her.

I shuffled past her avoiding looking at her anymore and went to pour myself a cup.

I turned around to leave with my coffee and Emelia was looking up at me over her glasses and she was biting her bottom lip.

The look did things to me I'll never admit.

"Good morning Emelia." I nodded walking towards the door.

"Clara." She nodded watching me scramble out of the room.

I walked to the lounge where some house keepers were cleaning up remnants of the party, and sat down to sip on my coffee. I need to get out of this house.

I decided to call Stacey.

"Hello! I didn't get to hang with you last night at all!" She answered her phone.

"Yeah I called it a night early." I wouldn't do anything stupid.


"Anyways...... wanna go to the beach?"

"Oh hell yes. You coming to get me? Or do you want to meet there?"

"I'll come get you. I'll be there in an hour."

"Perfect. Are we surfing or shopping?"


"I'm down. See you soon."


I put my phone down and wrapped my blanket around myself again.

I stood up and walked to my room to change into my black rash guard one piece and threw on a pair of orange shorts. I tied my brown hair up into a high pony tail then threw a pair of sunglasses on my head.

I ran down the stairs and walked by the kitchen...... I should probably let Emelia know I'm leaving....... She is my assistant after all.

I walked into the kitchen where she was still working on something.

"Hey I'm taking off for the day. Do you need anything before I go?"

She looked over at me and I watched her eyes scan my body quickly then look back at my face. I felt my face turn red.

"Nope. Have fun." She smiled at me but didn't look away.

"Uh yeah... okay...... bye!" I left the room quickly. That's the third time that woman has made me flee a room in less than 24 hours.

I walked out to the garage and grabbed the Rubicon keys. I used the top lift my dad had installed and took the roof off of the Jeep. I quickly took the doors off and strapped two surfboards to the top.

I hopped in the drivers seat and started it up. I love this Jeep. I plugged my phone in and passionfruit by drake started playing over the speakers. I cranked the volume up and pulled out of the garage. Stacey lived less than a mile from me and the beach was 2 blocks away from there.

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