Chapter 23

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I drove myself to the nearest hotel and got myself a room. As soon as my head hit the pillow I fell asleep.

I woke up to the sun peaking through the blinds and still felt completely broken. My father was dying. Emelia........... I stopped myself.

I need to find somewhere I can breathe. Ever since yesterday I've felt like I can't get enough air.

I crawled out of the bed and left the hotel. I drove to the nearest beach and parked my Audi.

I sat in the sand for a long time.

How could she have not told me my father was dying. How could he have kept it from me too. Two people that I care about more than anything kept me in the dark.

I felt the anger taking over me and I slammed my right hand into the ground.

Fuck! That hurt so fucking bad. Sand shouldn't feel like that.

I pulled my hand back only to find a rock that had been buried.

Well fuck me then.

I pulled my hand close to my chest. The pain in my wrist and hand was excruciating.

I can't believe this shit.

I walked back to my car and drove with my left hand to an emergency room.

It was pretty empty in here so the wait was only 5 minutes.

They had taken X rays about 20 minutes ago so I am sitting in the bed waiting when a doctor walked in.

"Welllll....... Good news and bad news...... bad news, You broke a bone in your hand and a couple bones in your wrist. Consider me impressed." He winked and showed me the X Ray.


"Good news, no surgery needed. I'm just gonna get you in a cast and send you on your way." He smiled.

"Thank you so much."

He nodded his head and left the room.

Leave it to my dumb ass to break my shit punching sand.

After the doctor put a cast on my lower arm and hand I left the hospital and got in my car. I sat in the parking lot for a while.

What now? Do I want to go home and see my father? Emelia?

I do and I don't. I miss Emelias touches, her smile, her eyes. But it was all a lie. She doesn't care about me like I thought she did.

My phone started ringing.

It was my father.

"Hello?" I answered.

"why did I just receive a call saying you are in the ER?"

"It's nothing father."

"Please Clara. It's not nothing. Come home so we can talk."

"Okay." I said in a small voice.

I hung up the phone and drove home. I blasted music so I wouldn't be left alone with my thoughts.

I parked my car in the garage and noticed Ems car was not there.

Whatever. Stop thinking about her

I walked upstairs to my fathers room.

I knocked lightly.

"Come in!" My father said through the door.

I opened the door and walked in the room.

"Clara." He smiled at me. "Thank you for coming home." He looked at my hand and frowned. "What happened?"

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