Chapter 16

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I spent the next two hours sitting at the end of the pier. My brain was numb.

I sat and watch the ocean, and refused the tears that threatened my eyes.

I thought the problem was that I wasn't single this whole time. Now it seems like that didn't even matter to her. It was just the excuse she used to say no.

Her rejecting me and knowing that she had me completely made this rejection the worst out of all of them.

I know she cares about me. But not the same way I feel about her obviously.

She said something about not being able to tell me something.

Did she have some sort of double life? A secret child? Was she a secret drug lord?

All of the possibilities I came up with in my head seemed unlikely.

I don't care about her past. I care about our future.

After a few more minutes I got up and walked back along the pier to my car. I drove without thinking back to my house. I expected to see Emelias car but it was no where to be found.

She must really not want to see me.

I parked and walked inside the house I found Eric in the lounge laying on a couch.
When he saw me he sat up and looked at me with a questioning look.

"Did you find her?"

"Yeah." I looked anywhere it his eyes. Eric was the last person I wanted to talk to about this.

I think he realized this so he got up and wrapped me into a hug. "Wanna order some pizza now?" He said changing the subject.

"Yeah." I said then pushed myself away from him.

I decided to invite Stacey over to spend the night. I figured the more people I had around me the less likely I was to cry.

I explained what happened at the pier to Stacey when she got there and she had no clue what to say. She just pulled me into a hug and told me it was going to be okay.

Eric Stacey and I decided to watch a movie after we finished our pizza.

I led them into the theater room and turned on the lights. I stared at the spot where I sat next to Emelia the night before. My friends walked past me and chose their seats. I walked to the back of the room and sat far away from my seat from last night.

"What are we watching?" Eric asked.

"Something spicy." Stacey answered.

"So porn." Eric answered.

"No!" Stacey and I yelled together and I threw a pillow at his head. We all laughed and I felt a little better.

Finally we settled on a scary movie. I didn't pay attention though. I kept staring at the door hoping I'd see Emelia walk in.

Unrealistic I know.

I know she doesn't want me like that but that doesn't make me care for her any less.

Halfway through the movie I excused myself. I just needed to sleep this off.

I walked up the stairs and climbed into my bed. Pulling the blanket over must've unlocked the hidden barrier that had been holding my tears in. I cried myself to sleep over my ex Assistant.

I couldn't convince myself to get out of bed until 11 AM the next morning. I left my room and walked past Emelias door which was closed. That meant she was either still in there or she never came home. I felt my chest wrench for a second then I ran down the stairs as if to get away from the pain.

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