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A small girl stood shielding the boy behind her , her eyes wide as she stared at her friend , that was the first time she felt betrayed , she thinks it's the first time although the feeling is oddly familiar , a small green haired boy was crying behind her , in his case she thinks it was really his first time feeling betrayed ,

The girl's expression changed to anger as she glared at the blonde boy with spiky hair. ''you losers really think you can beat me?'' tears threatened to escape the girl's eyes ,but she refused to let them out ,she turned her back to her now used to be friend , she wrapped her small hands around her crying friend's arms , she stood him up ,wiped the tears from his face , then she started walking away holding his hand , unlike her green haired friend she didn't look back once . 

ten years later

"what's wrong, Ari?" Izuku asked his friend ,who had been screaming in a pillow she picked up from his bed as soon as she entered the room "Mrs. Nakamura decided that since I'm good for nothing ,I should at least take care of the small children , Tatsu spent all of thirty minutes trying to pull my hair out of my scalp , and when he decided he couldn't he threw up all over me'' she finished ,sighing as she fell backwards on izuku's bed

" I seriously don't understand why she treats you like that!'' Izuku stood up and sat next to his friend's head on the bed , his expression sad as her looked at her , her eyes were closed "maybe because I don't bring her any money as no hero academy wants me because I'm technically quirk less?" she sassed, her eyes still closed . izuku's place always brought her some sort of calmness after a long day of going back and forth at the orphanage where she lived.

"let's apply for UA together then" izuku's voice was hopeful, at that Aria sat up and turned "not to be pessimistic or anything, but do you really think the best hero school in japan is going to take in an orphan with no money to pay the tuition fee?" Aria raised a brow at her friend.

"I'm sure they will, I searched it up, students that have financing problems don't have to pay the tuition" Aria held back the ''add quirk less to that" because she knew that would hurt Izuku, instead she just agreed to apply, thinking that it wouldn't make any difference since there is no way she would get in.

Hours later Aria laid on her small top bunk bed, thinking over all that Izuku said, a huge part of her wanted to escape the life of the orphanage, and although she didn't fancy the idea of hoping for something so unreal, she found herself imagining what she would look like in a hero costume and at that she fell asleep.

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