chapter two

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After the entrance exam, I found Izuku with a broken arm. He told me they were supposed to destroy robots and each robot they destroyed stands for a point. Izuku only destroyed one.

Two days later me, him and Inku Izuku's mother sat in their living room waiting for the post to arrive. Today the acceptance letter should arrive. Izuku sat deep in thought. Inku would get up every few minutes to make us tea and I tried to ease my nerves by pacing around the room.

The sound of the doorbell startled us. We all sprinted towards the front door even Inku ran. An envelope with the U.A. seal on it lays under the letter box. Izuku took it off the ground. His hand was trembling.

"Izu come on let's open it" I said putting an encouraging hand on his arm. He nodded taking deep breaths as he led the way to his room.

"I am here as a projection!" a projected version of All Might yelled as soon as Izuku opened the envelope.

"actually, I came to this town to work at U.A." he continued. A man from behind the camera kept gesturing to All Might to get to the point.

"Ahem young Midoryia even if you passed the written exam you got zero points on the practical exam. Of course, that means you didn't pass..." Izuku started trembling. I could see the tears of frustration brimming in eyes. I wrapped my arms around him for comfort, but All Might wasn't finished.

"but take a look at this video!" All Might played a video on the screen behind him. A brown-haired girl appeared on it.

"Um excuse me? The person with green hair and freckles is it possible to give him some of my points? I heard him say "if I could just get one point". So, I thought he might be at zero points. At least the points he lost because of me. He saved me!" she said.

"your actions spurred others to act. The entrance exam wasn't graded by villain points only. How can a hero course reject people who save others and do the right thing? Rescue points: Midoryia Izuku, sixty points and Ochaco Uraraka, forty-five points. You both pass!" All Might finished.

We stared stunned at the small device from which the All Might projection appeared. Inku brought both me and Izuku into a soul crushing hug. Izuku getting accepted felt like a personal victory. I was so happy that I bursted into tears as I held on to Izuku and Inku. The night ended with us celebrating with ten pizza boxes in spite of Izuku's protests for it being "too many calories".

A week later

"why did you buy all this candy?" I asked. I had been waiting for Izuku so, we could walk to school together. We were going to be late for our first day at U.A.

"I thought we could make new friends and give them candy?" he muttered and gave me his signature nervous smile.

"they're for the "nice person" aren't they?" I smirked at him. He immediately started blabbering about false accusations.

"do you think Kacchan will be in our class?" Izuku said awhile after. He was twiddling his fingers.

"I don't know...maybe" I didn't want to say that I hoped he would be. I guess neither me nor Izuku wanted to let Bakugou go. A part of me wished he would come back to his senses one day.

"I hope we are together though" Izuku added smiling at me. I smiled back at him.

"me too" I replied as I wrapped my arm around his shoulder and brought him into a side hug.

Forty-five minutes later we stood swarmed by the students of class 1-A . They were all friendly. A blonde loud boy with a black strike in his hair nearly pulled my entire arm trying to shake my hand. His name is Denki. The brown-haired Uraraka was talking animatedly with Izuku. I looked around the classroom and found what I was looking for, Bakugou sat in the back with a scowl on his face. When our eyes met, my heartbeat quickened and I immediately averted my eyes.

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