Chapter Four

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My bare feet moved slowly along the concrete floor. I stopped walking when a white light caught my feet. The light was coming from the room ahead, the door was slightly ajar. Quietly, I moved to look inside. A man crouched in front of a small boy; the boy was barely six years old and he was wearing an odd costume, grey embalmed hands were on his face, around his neck, and on his arms. The man was... smiling? It wasn't the evil grin he would always give me. It was a genuine smile. My heart thumped angrily in my chest. Who was that boy? And why is Master smiling at him?

"Come here, Tomura Shigaraki" the man's deep voice spoke. I clenched my fists Shigaraki? Master gave him his last name?

"Tomura Shigaraki?" the young boy asked. His voice was quivery and small.

"From "tomurau" the verb for mourn. To express sorrow over death and farewell. Tenko Shimura will be reborn as someone who brings mourning" the man answered the young boy and extended his hand to him. The young boy stepped forward hesitantly.

"And...Shigaraki?" he asked again stopping in his tracks just a few steps away from the man.

"That's my last name" the man answered. And I stared wide-eyed as he brought the young boy to him and hugged him. I didn't realize I had been crying until tears were soaking the hem of my shabby white dress. 

As soon as I opened my eyes, I closed them shut again immediately, there was an open window where the sun seemed to be right on the other side of it. Adjusting my vision, I looked around, I was in the school infirmary. I was familiar with the place from how much Izuku ends up there. I turned to my left and found a lump of green hair on the edge of the bed.

"Izuku" my voice was hoarse and barely came out. I extended a hand to shake him and immediately regretted the action, my arm throbbed. Nevertheless, I reached the goal. He woke up.

"Aria" he breathed staring at me with his signature wide eyes. I smiled at him and tried to sit up, again I regretted my stupid actions. And winced in pain.

"No no, don't get up. You're supposed to rest" he panicked.

"how long have I been out?'' I asked after laying back on the bed.

"uh...two...days" He gave me a sympathetic smile.

"I...what!!??" I stared dumbfounded at him. This can't be true, why would I be out for that long?

"Recovery girl said your body hadn't been ready for that wave you produced" he sat down on the edge of the infirmary bed and placed a comforting hand on my knee.

"That's wasn't even that powerful!!" I said exasperated.

"It was the most powerful yet  from you. She said it's a common occurrence for those with newly developed quirks. Don't beat yourself up, I break my arms every time I try to use mine." 

 "'s everyone" I wanted to change the subject. My heart was beating fast and my head was throbbing and I felt like I was boiling.

"Everyone's fine...Most of the students suffered minor injuries and Mr. Aizawa is in the hospital, he's still recovering. All Might and Midnight-" he stopped and got to his feet quickly. I looked up at him confused.

"your...your skin...eyes" He moved closer. I looked at my hands. My skin was glowing. Purple glowing streaks ran along my hands and arms. I got up from the bed and ran to the mirror next to Recovery Girl's desk. I gasped. My face had the same purple glowing streaks, they moved like electricity on my neck, I could see them running along every bit of exposed skin. What made me gasp wasn't that, but that my eyes had turned from their amber color to glowing purple too. I turned to Izuku panicking.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2023 ⏰

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