chapter one

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I was suffocating , it felt like water was everywhere , my lungs felt heavy and opening my eyes was too much work to do , instead I kept them closed ,I was about to fall asleep again when a faraway voice entered my ears "is she ready yet?" it was a male voice, "Almost, but she's giving me quite a hard time, her body is rejecting it " a wheezy, high-pitched voice answered , I felt many tubes coming out of my body ,was I being drugged?

I mustered some strength to open my eyes. My vison was blurry, I could see pink water all around me. I was floating in a tank. I tried to scream but water filled my mouth, I started pounding on the glass. a man appeared at the other side of the glass, he stared at me with a vicious grin, I banged on the glass trying to break it, but exhaustion took over me again. The man only walked away humming an oddly familiar tune.

I woke up breathing heavily, I was covered in cold sweat and my body was trembling. it was just a dream, but the man's face appeared vividly in my mind every time I blinked.

A knock on the door brought me back to reality. "Aria wake up! Get dressed, you have a visitor!" Mrs. Nakamura yelled. Ten minutes later, I was speeding down the stairs fully dressed in "the outfit for when a foster family comes to see you". I stood facing the door of the drawing room, meeting a foster family was unnerving but all the same exciting. I spent most of my life watching children being taken in by foster families and envying the happy looks on their faces when their new parents would take them away. Maybe now I'm going to have that as well. I knocked on the door "come in, dear!" Mrs. Nakamura's sweet faked voice answered, I took one last deep breath and twisted the door knob.

A man with long black hair pulled to the back of his head and dressed in a formal suit sat drinking tea in one of the forbidden cups Mrs. Nakamura would never let us touch. He looked tired. When he saw me come in, he stood up and his face broke into a smile? Weird it doesn't look like he smiles much, but it made me feel warm nonetheless. Something was off though; his face I think I've seen it before.

I realized I've been staring at him when he broke the silence "Aria nice to meet you, my name is Aizawa. hero name: Eraserhead, a teacher at UA High" he extended his hand towards me. I stood dumbfounded staring at him Eraserhead? UA High? Of course, that's why I thought he looked familiar. I mentally face palmed myself for thinking he would be my new dad. I shook his hand "nice to meet you, sir" I replied looking at Mrs. Nakamura for more explanation, she pipped in "Mr. Aizawa here came personally to inform us that you have been accepted at UA, why didn't you tell me you applied for the entrance exam?" she gave me the fakest smile ever, she's probably jumping up and down internally at the thought of getting rid of me, well she can't be jumping higher than I am.

"I'm sorry Mr. Aizawa, but how can I be accepted without taking the entrance exam?" I asked him. "you won't be needing to take the entrance exam, you got in by recommendation" he replied, confused I asked, "from who?". he stared back at me in silence for a few moments "I can't tell you". I raised a brow, "sir I'm pretty sure I have the right to know, besides I mentioned in the email I sent that I was quirkless, so really there is no logic to what you are saying". It was his turn to raise a brow "Mrs. Aria you sent us your file, you're not quirkless you just need help learning how to use your power" I shook my head.

 "sir I have never used it. I don't even know what it is'' he looked like he was in deep thought for a minute.

"we have worked with cases like this before, we can help you figure it out". he stood up and thanked Mrs. Nakamura for the tea.

"could you walk me outside Mrs. Aria?" I nodded and lead the way towards the front door, when we were out on the small porch he started "if you want the school could send a car to pick you up and return you every day from school". I shook my head and smiled up at him, "thank you sir, the school has done enough for me already." He was about to get in the fancy black car I expect was one of the school's, when I remembered "but sir what about my friend? The one who sent the emails to you!"

"Izuku midoryia right?". I nodded. "he'll be taking the entrance exam tomorrow morning we'll see what he has got" he answered.

"you haven't told me who recommended me, yet" I added.

"you'll find out soon enough" he answered as he got in the car and closed the door.

I stood watching the car drive away. Who could have recommended me? It doesn't matter now I should go tell Izuku what happened.

After I gave Mrs. Nakamura a quick goodbye, I sprinted down the streets towards Izuku's house. Excitement took over me I didn't even care that I haven't changed the stupid dress I was wearing. I slammed face first against something hard.

When I looked up, I was met with crimson red eyes glaring down at me. Of all the people I could have pumped into it had to be him, Bakugou.

"sorry didn't see you there" I said coldly as I stepped away from him and moved to continue walking not running towards Izuku's place.

"gotta get your eye sight checked, dumbass!" he yelled or said? Really when he's talking he's also yelling so there's not much difference.

"alright next time I'm going to wear plus lens so I don't pump into you, dumbass!" I fired back.

"what did you just call me?" he said moving closer.

"dumba-" I didn't get to finish the word.

"Aria!" Izuku's slightly high-pitched voice interrupted me. He looked exhausted as he walked over towards us. I could sense that he was nervous as he gave Bakugou a small "hello, Kacchan" to which Bakugou only grunted. I rolled my eyes at the blonde standing a few inches away from me.

"where were you? I thought you would be at home today! Are you ok? You look pale and sweaty!" I started interrogating him as I stepped away from Bakugou to check on Izuku, who looked nervously at me.

"I was just doing exercise! y-you know running and such!" his voice was extra high-pitched and he started scratching the back of his head. He was lying.

"you have been exercising! Why?!" Bakugou's gruff voice interrupted my staring into Izuku's soul. I was trying to make him feel guilty to make him tell the truth.

"I-I y-you know...the UA entrance exam?" Izuku's voice turned exceptionally low on the last sentence.

"huh? UA's entrance exam?" Bakugou yelled.

"yes, he's going to take the entrance exam tomorrow. You got a problem with that?" I answered  glaring at Bakugou. His expression changed to one I couldn't exactly read.

"sure, let's see how long he lasts" Bakugou answered then he turned and walked away. I watched him walk away and as always it filled me with sadness.

"were you looking for me? I thought you'd be getting ready for tomorrow that's why I didn't call" Izuku voice brought my attention back to him.

"yeah about that, I've got loads to tell you" my excitement returned. I began telling him everything that happened this morning, as we made our way towards his place. 

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