chapter three

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The sky was heavy with clouds that hid the sun as I walked alone to school; Izuku had something to do with his mother. The air smelled like wet mud. The first drop of rain touched my cheek. It's friends followed quickly. People started running for shelter or covering their heads with their bags and umbrellas, I did neither. I found comfort in the coldness that followed each drop of water. I always thought rain to be a savior; the shift between darkness and light. I closed my eyes to enjoy the feeling. After a few minutes, my clothes heavy with water I arrived at the school gates. A crowd of reporters swarmed around Mr. Aizawa, who looked annoyed as hell. I tried to move past the reporters. One of them slammed against my shoulder. I lost balance and was about to fall face first on the concrete, when a hand closed around my arm. I turned to thank whoever saved my teeth from crashing.

"thank you" I breathed as I regained my balance. The man didn't say anything. A hood covered his face. His hand was still on my arm and his hold got tighter.

"sir?" I asked trying to get my arm out of his grasp, heart beating fast. He let go and disappeared in the crowd. My heart was still beating faster than normal, when I got into the school grounds. Who was that man?

"where have been?" I looked up. Bakugou stood with his signature scowl and an umbrella in hand. His eyes did a quick scan on my body. He noticed me rubbing my sore arm.

"you're drenched! Get inside!" he grabbed my hand and led my inside the school building. We passed the stairs that led to the classrooms.

"where are we going?" I asked trying to match his pace. He didn't answer. We arrived to the locker rooms.

"take a shower and change quickly" he ordered (again). I didn't move. I was busy staring at him. Was he going to wait outside for me?

"What are you waiting for? You'll catch a cold!" he yelled making me jump.

"jeez alright!" I said going to open the door of the girl's locker room, but I realized that Bakugou didn't let go of my hand. I looked up at him. He was still scowling.

"you know I would finish faster if you let go" I smirked bringing our interlocked hands to his eye-level. He immediately let go, crossed his arms and leaned against the wall outside the locker room. He avoided my eyes.

"you're going to wait for me?" my brows furrowed. Is he sick or something? I placed the back of my hand to his forehead. He swatted my hand away "what are you doing, stupid woman?" he snapped the tips of his ears turning red.

"just checking" I shrugged opening the door of the girls' locker room. Finally inside, I took the school gym uniform from my locker and headed to the showers.

After showering and changing into dry clothes, I went out to rejoin Bakugou assuming he hadn't left to class already. To my surprise he was still standing outside the door. His eyes were closed and his head rested against the wall. Was he sleeping? I had to fight the urge to shout BOO in his ear, because he had been decent to me this morning which was weird. What was he playing at?

"you stare a lot, shitty woman" he said his eyes still closed. I rolled my eyes at him even if he couldn't see it.

"I wasn't staring! And let's head to class, Mr. Aizawa is probably furious" I said. Bakugou's eyes were open now and he looked angry again. No, enraged.

"who did this to you?" he clenched his jaw. He stared at something on my arm. I followed his gaze, a palm shaped bruise was forming on my arm; thanks to the man from earlier.

"it's noth-" I didn't get to finish the sentence, before he grabbed my hand and lifted my sleeve "these are fingerprints. it is something!" he breathed angrily. I yanked my arm away and stepped back.

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