clarity pt. 1

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I walked along the hallways of the Wilson Dorm, my mind wandering to the assignment I still had to do for Business, when a soft, high-pitched giggle floated over from behind. The old creaking oak of the walls and floors seemed to muffle itself on the air.

I stopped mid-track, slowly turned around... seeing...


I shook my head. My ears were just playing tricks on me. But when I turned back around, I was met face-to-face with Kazuha.

I nearly jumped out of my skin. "Oh my god— Kazuha?"

He was swaying slightly back and forth, pupils blown and face flushed. Another giggle, child-like and hysterical, erupted out of his lips.

"Omg hiiii~" he sang, words slurring. There was a wide smile across his face. His eyes were completely unfocused.  "I love autumn, blowing leaves is fun. Aren't you a raccoon?"

I frowned. I knew this behavior very well. I won't disclose whether or not it's from the highschool depression years of personal experience in which one would burn their fingers on a blunt while trying to make themselves feel something.

Ahem. Anyways.

He was high.

I stared at him, unsure what to do. We were standing close to my dorm room. I could've just... made a break for it, but my curiosity got the better of me. "Uhm, you alright?"

His wide crimson eyes locked onto mine. "Tomo?"


Then, he was sloppily grabbing my shoulders, fingers digging into my skin. Big fat tears started rolling down his face. I blinked.

"Tomo, where have you been?" he sobbed. The laughter came back for a moment, followed by more weeping. The mood fluctuated.

"Tomoooooo..." I stood there stiffly as Kazuha continued to sob and giggle deliriously. Tears dripped onto the wooden floor of the hallway.


"Kazuha!" A loud yell and a cuss came from behind me and I turned to see Scaramouche heading our way. He looked at me as he neared. "Oh, hey."

I merely nodded in response, still a little bewildered by the whole situation. Scaramouche gently pried Kazuha's fingers off me.

"Kazuha, how many fingers and I holding up?" Scaramouche demanded, shoving four in front of his roommate's face.

"The wind knows me," Kazuha giggled in response. Then he started to cry again. "Fallen leaves..."

I frowned and stood there, looking at the two Mathey residents and swiftly thinking over possible reasons why Kazuha would be in this dorm, on this floor. As soon as the lightbulb went off in my head, a door opened steadily behind us.

We all turned— save Kazuha, actually— to find my roommate leaning in the doorway of the 27th dorm room, taking a drag. Scaramouche and I shared looks, but before anyone could say anything, Kaveh gracefully collapsed onto the carpeted floor of the dorm.

Out of complete shock, I covered my face with my hands and started chuckling. Scaramouche could barely hold back his smile, gently holding Kazuha's wrists to keep him from wandering away. Then, he blinked. "Wait, go see if your boyfriend's okay though."

"He's not my boyfriend," I sighed, starting to trot over to the open door.

Scaramouche gave me the most mocking, doubtful look I've ever witnessed. "Please," he scoffed. "What the hell is he, then?"

I shrugged. "Roommate."

Scaramouche rolled his eyes. "That's what they all say."

A noise came from the ground in the dorm. "I hate you for that, Alhaitham," Kaveh slurred, crying a little.

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