Chapter 1 | no sunrise is worth waking up to

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"Nee-san? Where did you go?" came the voice of a little young boy. Scared out of his mind, he was all alone in this dark cellar. He kept his small hand along the wall to lead him through this endless maze.

"Nee-san, you can come out now.." he said, on the verge of tears. As he should be. He whimpered as the dim lights began to flicker. Slowly, he creeped up to an old rusty door, one much older than he was.

He slowly turned the knob. Little did he know, he was nearing death's door itself. The door opened with a drawn-out creeeaaak. His eyes widened at the sight in front of him. He let out a high pitched scream.

In front of him was his beloved Nee-san, clothes torn, blood flowing in every direction, with her eyes rolled into the back of her head. He stood there in shock, anger, confusion, devastation. He blinked. His eyes welled with tears, 1, 2 , until a waterfall streamed down his face. This couldn't be real. It couldn't possibly...

"What a shame... It must be hard to see your sister in such a way," a voice said from the door. It was soft, but overpowered with annoyance. "A little child like you shouldn't be here..."

Absolutely terrified, the little child shakily turned his head to look at the source of the voice. He couldn't make out any of his qualities, but judging by his height, he looked a little younger than his sister. His gaze turned towards the sharp, shiny tool in his hand.

Before he knew it, the figure had lunged towards him, and his vision went black.


Police sirens. The red and white flashing on his window.

Iguro tossed and turned on his bed. This was the third murder news this month.

He closed his eyes and sighed. He couldn't sleep for fucks sake, and he could barely get any studying in with his wandering thoughts. He looked at the small clock on his nightstand, the tick tock sound becoming unbearable.

4:36 AM, it read. He had to get up for school in 2 hours. 

He curled his legs into his chest as he tried to force his eyes shut. His raven black hair fell over his face, and he blew it away with a huff.

That's how it was for the rest of the night. Just him, tossing and turning.

When he finally began to get comfortable, his alarm clock suddenly rang.

It's already been two hours?

He quickly shut the alarm off, groaning as he got up and started his morning routine. He had never been a morning person. Getting up itself was a burden, especially with the fact that he got only 1 hour of sleep in. Stupid insomnia, he thought as he brushed his teeth.

He drowsily headed downstairs, where a small bag of takeout was left on the counter. Likely leftovers from yesterday. He unpacked the contents. Some noodles. That'll do for his breakfast, and probably 2 more days.

 He checked the time. 6:24 AM. He would have to run if he was going to get to school on time. He hastily finished his noodles, swallowing them down as soon as they came.

He slipped some sandals on and ran out the door.

"Sayonara okaasan (Bye mom)!" he yelled.

No response. Iguro sighed. His mother was likely out cold again.

Quickly, he dashed through the streets, dodging the pedestrians the best that he could. He let out a sigh of relief as he saw his old school building in the distance. His legs picked up speed until he was at the bottom of the steps.


"We've been waiting for you! Jeez, you need to take a breather"

Iguro looked up to see Uzui and Tomioka standing in front of him. Uzui handed him a bottle of water, and he gladly took it. The plastic made a satisfying crinkle in his hand.

"Iguro, your face is so red," Uzui pointed out, "School doesn't start in another 5 minutes". Iguro groaned.

"What did I run so fast for then?"

Uzui laughed at his frustration. After a few more minutes of Iguro panting, and Uzui ushering him to drink more water, the gates of the school finally opened with a loud creak.

"Let's go before we're late," Uzui said as he started to head up the stairs, Tomioka following him while gesturing for Iguro to hurry up.

Once they were inside, they headed for their lockers.

"I have chemistry first period," Uzui started, "and then I have language. What about you guys?"

"Ah, I have math," Tomioka replied. Iguro perked up.

"I also have math," he said. Uzui frowned.

"I'm gonna be all alone!" Uzui said dramatically. "Who will I bother now?!" Iguro chuckled at his comment.

The bell started to ring.

"Well, I guess we better get going now," Tomioka said as he turned to head to class. Iguro and Uzui nodded. Uzui waved and headed off to chemistry.

They stepped into class simultaneously with some small talk here and there. The teacher was already there wiping the board.

He greeted them and they did the same as they sat down in their seats, waiting for the rest of the students to arrive.


Edit: This chapter has been rewritten!

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