Chapter 9 | even the strongest hands can lose their grip

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Iguro's mind was on alert. He whipped his head around.

Was he hearing things?


No, those were surely footsteps. 

He turned the corner to find the source. However, the halls were empty like previously sawn. 

Who was that? Perhaps a club member? But what would they come down here for?

Iguro turned his head over his shoulder. He bit his lip and pinched the bridge of his nose. Before he could stop himself, he turned around and rushed out of the hall. 

Pushing the exit open, he felt the breeze on his face.

The feeling was soothing.

But that feeling was overpowered by something else.

The feeling...

That someone was watching him...


Iguro paced around his small bedroom. His right hand gripped his phone tightly. He brought the dim screen to his face as he scrolled through his recent calls. All to Kanroji Mitsuri.

Iguro wanted to tell Kanroji about these mysterious gifts. For some reason, she wasn't picking up... Iguro knew that Kanroji always answered her calls, unless she was asleep or away from her phone. 

He called again. The call went straight to voicemail.

Iguro sighed. Perhaps she was taking a small nap?

"Mitsuri..." Iguro said aloud. Iguro hastily grabbed his phone and shoved it into his sweater pocket. He was gonna go visit her. Kanroji was always open to visitors. And he hadn't seen her in a while...


Iguro was now in front of the Kanroji household's doorstep. He rang the doorbell.

He expected to hear a frantic "Coming!" from the other side of the door. But again, there was no response. Kanroji's parents were also out for work, and had shifts till' night, so they wouldn't open up either.

He rung the doorbell again.

And again.

And again, and again, and again.

This is ridiculous. Kanroji surely would've woken up by now. And if she was going out, she would have her phone on her...

Iguro's eyes darted down to the Welcome mat he was standing on. Kanroji had told him that there was an extra key underneath for emergencies.

Iguro bent over to lift the mat. This wouldn't count as trespassing, right?

He retrieved the key, and got up again.

He hesitated before pushing the key into the lock. What if Kanroji was all right? Then this would be an awkward thing to explain. Iguro shook his head.

He turned the key and pushed the door open.

He stepped into the familiar comfort of Kanroji's home. 

"Mitsuri?" Iguro called out. No response.

Where is she?

He contemplated where Kanroji would be. Her room of course.

Iguro climbed up the steps to Kanroji's room. He twisted the doorknob. 

"Mitsu-" Iguro was cut short. He immediately stopped.

Kanroji was lying on the floor, but without the rise and fall of her chest. Her eyes and mouth was wide open,  and face damp from tears.

Somebody screamed. It was him.

Iguro couldn't make himself believe Kanroji was simply sleeping.


... I'm sorry.

I'm sorry this took such a quick turn.

Pay your respects to Kanroji please....

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