Chapter 14 | behind every sweet smile is bitter sadness

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Iguro laid slump in his bed.

It had only been a few weeks since Kanroji was taken from him.

Why did God love to punish him so much?

He scrolled through his feed, his eyes droopy and lifeless.

Recent articles popped up.

"Sixteen year old mysteriously disappeared on November 2nd, then found dismembered in an abandoned building."

"Sophomore disappears with no evidence prior to his disappearance, until his body was found."

Each article he passed had the same cover image.

A boy with white hair and purple eyes, with scars littering his face.

Iguro felt sick. 

The boy was none other than Sanemi Shinazugawa, his best friend.

Iguro choked on a sob.

His heart hammered in his chest as he tried not to think of the worst.

But his mind kept flashing back to Kanroji. 

Kanroji, the light of his life.

Kanroji, the beautiful, sweet girl that always asked him how his day was, and always brought him along when he stuck behind.

Kanroji, his beloved.

Who was gone.

Did Sanemi have to be taken from him too?

Did he do something wrong for the Gods or whatever higher being in this world, feel the need to punish him?

Was his existence just a burden to others?

He was out of tears to cry. He had sobbed relentlessly for the past hours. Hours and hours. His throat hurt. Everything hurt.

He just wanted to die.

Die so he wouldn't have to feel anymore. 

A cough racked out of his chest. He felt so nauseous, but his stomach was empty.

So, with nothing he could possibly do, as the helpless being he is, he rolled over onto his stomach in attempt to atleast doze off. An attempt to free his mind, if only for a few minutes. 

Which was a complete, utter fail.

Iguro's eyes drooped, but he couldn't sleep after what happened. How selfish of him to even bother trying.

He buried his head into his pillow and screamed. Screamed until his throat was raspy and his lungs were out of air. 

He felt so utterly hopeless.

And lightheaded, for the matter too. His vision had black spots in it. He struggled to regain composure, and sense of mind.

His curtains trembled from the harsh winds. He must've forgotten to close the window. 

A scent wafted into the small space of his room. The smell made him dizzy. His eyelids shut as the scent covered every inch of his walls. 

The smell of smoke.

He inhaled, and then he coughed. With a loud groan, he lifted his head and pulled out of bed with great difficulty. He moved to the window and shut it.

He turned to move back to his bed, but his knees gave out. His head fell forward, and hit the carpet, which only somewhat cushioned him.

His legs were too weak to get up.

His eyes fluttered shut. 

He could still smell the smoke.


That took a quick turn, huh? I'm trying to finish this book before summer break is over. Expect still inconsistent, but faster updates.

I assume this book will have 18-20 chapters in all. Soo. Yeah. 

Have a nice day/night.

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