Chapter 16 | love is kind

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Iguro sat on the floor of his plain bedroom, and gently combed through his raven black hair. He was getting ready for a meet-up with his gang. The haircomb he was using was getting kind of worn... 

A dopey smile was on his face as he thought of Tomioka, and the events that played out the previous day. Kanroji was gone but... maybe he could go for him. He was sweet, responsible, and caring. And not to mention handsome.

He put his comb down, and tied his hair into a small ponytail. His bangs messily fell over his forehead. He grumbled and attempted to push it back. His bangs were like a curtain, shadowing his face if he didn't pin it back. 

Almost as if on cue, Kaburamaru slithered towards him with... a hairpin in their mouth. Iguro held his hand out, and the white snake dropped the item into his palm. Iguro was about to express his thanks, until he took a closer look at the pin. 

Shiny and gold. Tiny little gems. Swerved like a snake. 

Ah. This was the hairpin he was gifted. Would it be right to wear it?

He tried it on. The hairpiece looked nice, and it matched the color of his right eye. He ran his hands over the tiny gems and stood up.

The hairpiece... looked out of place for someone like him. 

Iguro went to his closet, and pulled out a yellow button-up shirt. It was a gift from Kanroji- no, Mitsuri. It was his 13th birthday and nobody else other than her remembered. He had never worn it, thinking it was too good for someone like him. 

He hadn't grown much from his time as a pre-teen. It should fit. She got a size bigger than his anyways. 

He slipped his head through the neck of the fabric. It fit him perfectly. And now the hairpiece didn't contrast his clothes. 

He extended his arm, and Kaburamaru happily slithered up to his neck. Taking one final glance at his reflection, he turned to leave.

He headed downstairs, where he passed his mother, who was out cold from drinking. Iguro sighed, grabbed a blanket, and draped it over her body. He left the house, locking the door behind him. 


Iguro had arrived. The meet-up was a botanical garden. At the entrance, Uzui, Rengoku, Tomioka, and Shinobu waited. Shinobu perked up as Iguro approached them. 

"Iguro-san! You're late! You took so long, we had almost considered leaving without you," She said, matter-of-factly. Iguro rolled his eyes. 

"Shut up you damn mosquito. Let's just go." He growled.

"Oooh~ Someone's feisty!" Uzui laughed. Iguro glared. "Woah, don't give me that look."

"Tengen! Don't be mean!" Rengoku scolded. Uzui pouted.

"Yeah yeah. Anyways, what's up with your new fit, Iguro? You're lookin' flashy!" Uzui flashed a smirk. Iguro glanced away. 

"It's nothing. Hurry up or I'm leaving without you idiots." He deadpanned. 

He began to walk off as the others trailed behind him, chatting about the flowers they saw. Tomioka sped up to walk beside Iguro. 

"That hairpin... it suits you. You look... really good." Tomioka mumbled, and Iguro could've sworn he heard wrong. Pink dusted his cheeks, thank goodness for his mask...

"Ah- oh, uhh... Thanks?" Iguro stammered out. Tomioka looked at him with the ghost of a sweet smile. The corners of Iguro's mouth quirked up. Suddenly, Uzui creeped behind him and startled him with a smack to his shoulder. But Iguro wasn't mad. 

He felt ridiculous. A crush had always seemed so childish, yet here he was.

A goofy grin was on his face for the rest of the walk. 


Sorry for not posting in so long,

I've decided to rewrite the first few chapter cause they were crap. 

Yeah that's all. Have a nice day/night~

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