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It's been a few days since I've seen Lila it was a little concerning when neither Tara or Katrina were yelling down the hallway and banging on her door. I gave her space after yelling at her thinking she would forget about it but clearly she hasn't.

I didn't see anyone for my eye and I slept in my car that night also no big deal really, the landlord gave me another key and told me to not be like Lila.

I took a deep breath before knocking on the door hoping she would answer Tara stopped by earlier in the morning saying she wasn't answering and handed me flowers.

"Lila open the door." I said knocking again

No answer.

"Tara and Katrina are worried about you." I said again rocking on my heels

This is dumb there would never be a time where I would stand outside some girls door just to make sure she was alright, even with holding a bouquet of fucking flowers.

"Lila please." I begged "I'm sorry for what I said it was just a rough night. And I get it if you don't want to talk to me at the moment."

I waited hoping for a answer.

I still didn't get one.

I didn't stand there for much longer before setting the flowers by her door and turning back walking into my apartment, what I was taught growing up was to always give someone space until they are ready to talk.

But I was worried about Lila and I never worried about a girl.

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