twenty nine

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I was in pain.

I could feel it all over my body.

But the punching wouldn't stop not even the referee could pull the guy off of me. I could hear Lila screaming for me but it seemed like she was miles away.

I didn't want her to be miles away from me.

I wanted her next to me with her head on my shoulders while I would softly hold her hand. I wouldn't do that with any other girl.

"Lila." I tried to yell but it wouldn't come out as a yell

"Don't worry son, an ambulance is on its way."

I shook my head "Lila."

He couldn't understand what I was saying.

"He might have a head injury, he keeps repeating something."

"What is it?"


The voices kept fading in and out, before I closed my eyes I saw her.

My beautiful Lila.

"Sam you'll be okay, please stay with me." I felt her cold hand grab my warm one

"Oh sweetheart." I whispered


My head was pounding and the beeping wouldn't stop. It smelled weird also.

Opening my eyes I saw Colby sitting on the couch on his phone but no Lila.

"Where's Lila?" I asked

Colby looked at me before laughing "Out of everything you could ask, you asked that?"

"Where is she?" I asked again

He sighed "She's with Tara and Kat. She couldn't stop crying as they dragged you away."

"I wanna see her."

He shook his head "Tara and Katrina took her out to get her mind off of you."

I just wanted her to take my pain away, just like how she did with my bloody knuckles.

"How long am I here for?"

"Hopefully you'll be released tomorrow night, you've been out of it for the past couple of days."

"How long was I out?"

"Almost two days. Do you need anything?" Colby asked

"Yeah, call Lila." I demanded

He shook his head " No can do."

I needed Lila.

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