chapter 7

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Please don't read past the ⚠️ emoji if it's to triggering!!! When you see the second you can read.

As we arrived to the byers house I could feel chills go down my spine. I wanted to fix everything between everyone. Make everything okay. So I entered the house with me brother, argyle behind him and as we entered we saw everyone at the dinner table. Silence they all looked annoyed. What had happened. I didn't know but I wanted to opoligise.

Boris was shocked. But before I could speak he spoke.

"You always have to come running back?" He says with a smile. I was ready to speak, to opoligise.

"Even though it wasn't your fault, hmm?" Boris continued to pick at his food. I was in shock.

"You, don't have to opoligise okay. I know what your thinking and I just want you to know it's not your fault." Boris said. I felt as if I was in a dream.

"... But it is my fault okay. I was the one that decided to confront Mike, I started the fight, then I ran. Then I came back mad at you. Then I stopped talking to everyone. Then you come over and Mike ruins the moment and you leave because I'm too busy with him... It's all my fault." I say. Everyone looks shocked.

"...I made you think Boris cheated on you. That was on me." Miles said with a sigh. Then Trever spoke.

"I was telling Mike to stop hiding his feeling, and I guess he lashes out on you instead of talking like a normal person." Trever spoke.

"I told Mike to ignore you instead of saying rude stuff." Phoebe said.

"I agreed to date you." Boris said.

"I told you to stop talking to them" Johnathon said. I was ready to cry.

"But I made you and Nancy fight. Then you guys broke up over something. And I could have influenced it." I try.

"No we fought because of Mike being a dick and how Johnathon is... In love with someone else. And about Steve, who isn't even interested in me anymore." Nancy spoke up. I was slightly surprised. Then Ted spoke.

"Are you guys done making up?" He said sarcasticly. Karan slapped him on the shoulder with a glare.

"...does that mean you guys are gonna break up cuz now Mike's trying to rizz you up." Richie said... What does that even mean. I couldn't help but think.

"No! We're still dating and Mike vhat?" Boris says confused. Richie laughs shoving his face full of food. I let out a sigh of relief. Miles gets up and hugs me.

"I'm sorry." He says. Then Boris, then everyone else followed suit. Karan and Ted stayed behind. It was a huge hug and I finally was able to be happy.

"Okay, guys... Um how about we all go to the movies on Sunday see the new elm Street movie?" Asks Richie. I smile.

"That would be nice." I say. We soon plan it all out. Smiles on our faces as we do so.

We soon headed home. And shit we forgot about Mike. He was just sitting there in els room as they chatted. Oops.

He was gonna stay the night. Which I didn't really mind but there was so little room. But to my surprise. He was gonna sleep in the living room. Patrick in my brother's. Argyle with Johnathon. El in her own. And hopper and Joyce in there's.

But we stayed up too lie 2 am laughing and talking, playing games and watching TV. It was fun. but we grew tired. So as we headed to bed I gave Mike a hug. Maybe to long of a hug too.

Once I got to my own room I sighed. Landing on my bed with a thump. I closed my eyes. But as I drifted I felt something, or someone's eyes on me to tired to process it I was being watched.

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