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Mia's POV:
'What're you doing here?' I asked my brother, suspiciously.

'I'm sitting in today.' He added, holding his hand out to shake Theo's hand.

Since when we're they on such good terms that they shook hands?

I ignored it, sitting down in my usual chair and beginning my conversation as if nobody else was there.

'What is it you wanna talk about today, Mia?' Cameron asked, opening his book of notes and scanning over it quickly.

If my brother was to read that, it would be over for me. Cameron stashed every single secret and confession in that book and it was so delicate that I forced him to keep it in my office, not wanting him to take it home and let it fall into the wrong hands.

'I, I don't really have anything to talk about.' I responded, feeling the pressure of the two men sitting behind me.

'How about we start how we always do? With your father?' He asked, watching as I visibly winced from his sentence.

I was on edge, literally about to throw up, waiting for Cameron to mention something that Lucas wasn't aware of.

'We speak too much of him.' I interrupted.

'Okay, so then the alcohol. Those photos circulated of you with the Prince a few days ago. How does that make you feel?' He asked.

'Like shit, knowing people can't keep themselves to themselves.' I responded.

'Do you feel like if you were sober You'dve been able to control the situation? Notice the cameras, maybe?' He pushed.

'I was barely drunk, it's dark and lights are flashing all the time. I'd not have noticed if I was stone cold sober, Cameron.' I shot in response.

'Interesting. And what about the amount that you drink. Have you notice that to have increased since your father died?' He questioned.

I looked over at my brother, who shrugged. That confirmed my suspicions.

'Look, I know that Lucas is getting you to read from a shitty script but if you ask me one more question about my night out I will hurt you.' I said, letting him know that I wasn't joking.

'Mia, we just want to help you.' Lucas sighed.

'I don't want to hear a word from you right now.' I snapped.

Everyone took a deep breath before Cameron put down the piece of paper he was clearly reading from, letting me know that everything from now on would be from his mouth and not my brothers.

'Do you get some sort of high from alcohol that you can't get from anywhere else? It is known to create a warm blanket and a sort of comforting feeling.' He began.


'Do you seek comfort from the alcohol that you did not get from your father or your brother?' Cameron asked, straight up.

'That is enough.' Lucas interrupted, standing up and walking towards the desk, his eyes catching onto the notebook sitting infront of Cameron.

He picked it up and luckily only managed to read the first page before I yanked it from his hands, but his face turned pale and I saw him decide to direct his anger towards Cameron.

'Get out.'

Cameron looked at Lucas as if he was joking, only getting from his chair when my brother grabbed him by the collar, walking him to do the door himself and throwing him from it, ordering him to wait in the hall for him to come back to speak with him.

'What is this about?' He asked, gesturing to the book in my hand.

'Lucas I've never been able to talk to you.' I began.

Theo stood up, tucking his phone into his pocket and walking towards the door, not even turning around but leaving us with one last sentence before disappearing outside.

'I'll deal with him.'

I did not want to know what that meant, but his angry, dark demeanour didn't leave much to the imagination.

'Look. If there's something you want to tell me, say it and say it now. Because if I find out later on that you've been hiding something from me, I will gut you.' He said, only half joking.

'How royal of you.' I responded, rolling my eyes at him.

'Look, Mia. I'm your brother. If I've not been there for you then I'm sorry, but we were kept separate and I was forced to learn the ways of the monarchy. Trust me, idve much rather hung out with you. But I'm trying now and that's what matters, right?.' He said, giving my hand a reassuring squeeze.

I swallowed a lump in my throat before pointing at the door, giving myself a few seconds to breathe before I burst into tears.

'You should probably go and make sure Mr Samuel hasn't killed Cameron.' I said, at once.

'What is it with you two and the formalities?' He asked, shaking his head as if he was disappointed.

'He is my bodyguard and I am his client. You should expect no less than for me to call him by his second name.' I responded.

'That doesn't mean you two can't get along. All you do is bicker.' He added.

'For good reason.' I argued.

'Wait here, don't move.' My brother warned, leaving the room and heading down the corridor, to the main hall.

I sat in anticipating silence until I heard footsteps heading in my direction again. I knew that it was Theo just by the sound of the heavy boots. He pushed the door open and closed it behind him, wiping his bloody hand against his tshirt and sitting back down in the seat he was in before.

'What have you done, Mr Samuel?' I questioned slowly, grabbing the medical kit from underneath my desk and walking towards him.

'Nothing, Miss Baldwin.'

I was hit with the first cramp of the day, ironically just as I reached him. It took me by such surprise that I lent forwards, practically falling into his lap.

'It seems I should be the one taking care of you, princess.' He said, in the softest tone I'd ever heard him use, letting him hold me softly by the waist, sitting me down on his lap.

I ignored our synced breaths, and how close our faces were to eachother, taking his hands and wrapping them up in bandages, making sure they were secure before closing the box.

'Now that was, what on earth is going on?' Lucas asked, his sentence stopping dead the second he saw me sitting on my bodyguards lap.

'I uh, Mr Samuel was hurt. I was just bandaging him up.' I responded, jumping up almost a little too suspiciously.

Lucas eyes us both over carefully before shrugging, pointing his finger at both me and then my bodyguard.

'Mia hasn't got a therapist now, Theo, so sit here and get the inside scoop for me.' My brother joked.

'You can't just give him all of the jobs that you don't want. He doesn't get paid for this shit.' I said, almost forgetting he was in the room.

'I'm sure it'll be no problem, your majesty.'

By Royal Decree //Princess&BodyguardWhere stories live. Discover now