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Mia's POV:
'Going once, going twice.' The announcer began.

I lifted my hand at the last second.

£8,000 to the princess!' He shouted, the ballroom erupting in cheers.

I watched Theo take a visible breath of relief, leaving the stage and heading out the way he had came. I excused myself from the table and headed around the back, hoping to bump into him and figure out what on earth he was playing at.

'You're going to ruin my reputation.' I huffed, walking up to Theo with my arms crossed.

'The way you begged for my attention tells me that you did that to yourself.' He smirked.

'Shut up.'

'If you wanted a date you could've just said so.' He shrugged.

'I don't want a date.' I snapped.

'So? £8k for what?' He responded.

'I don't permit you time off of work to go on dates.' I added.

'So you decided to pay 8k to keep me in work?' He asked.

'I guess we can go on an outing. Not a date, a trip. It is included in the clause.' I mumbled.

'Right. I guess we'll have to, now that your brother paid all of that money for me.' He teased.

'I'll have you know it'll all be coming out of my pocket.' I insinuated.

'So you really are the one paying for my attention?'

'Come off it, Mr Samuel, we both know that you're glad it ended like this.' I argued back.

'I'm sure the lady in blue would've made a much better date.' He teased.

'Well then I'll pay her the 8k to stand your ego and then maybe she'll want to go on a date with you instead.' I shot back.

'I hope I'm not interrupting another one of your bonding sessions. You two seem to get on so well, never seen you argue.' Lucas said, rolling his eyes, before going up to Theo and clapping him on the back.

I looked between them both as if I'd missed out on some inside joke. Why were they scheming and what were they scheming about? It made me uncomfortable to see my brother, king to act so bro-like with my bodyguard, and so I watched quietly, genuinely shocked to silence.

'It is late, leave me to make my donation and then we shall leave.' I interrupted, turning to leave the room.

The smile on my brothers face dropped but he kept his mouth closed. He knew he was not behaving the way he should. He was being unbearable. Something was going on between him and Theo and I would not allow my bodyguard to take me up on my offer until I figured out what it was.

For once the entire night, Theo stayed behind for a few moments, continuing whatever hushed conversation he was having with my brother.

I walked over to the stage, queuing with other dukes and duchesses who were awaiting making their donation to the charity.

'Mia? I'm so glad to catch you before you leave.' The Duke smiled, holding out his hand to take mine.

I bowed ever so slightly, allowing him to take it and looking away as he planted a kiss on the edge of my knuckles. My heart was pounding but I knew I couldn't act sour in front of all of these people.


'Your relationship with your bodyguard is interesting, is it not? Bidding all of that money for a date with him when you're meant to be marrying Prince Evan?' He asked in a threatening tone.

I clasped my lips into a tight line, trying my hardest to contain the argument in me that was begging to be let out.

'There's nothing like a little fun to raise money for charity.' I responded.

'Money the king will be paying, I'm sure.' He hissed.

I took an empty cheque from the table and signed it, making sure to emphasise my signature before slapping it down on the table, turning to walk away from the man who wound me up more than no other.

I was fed up of everyone claiming I was using my brothers money when I most definitely had my own.

He grabbed my wrist, forcing me to freeze in place in fear of making a scene. He pulled me back, his lips in line with my ear as he whispered threatening words disguised as good wishes in my direction.

'If you do not do the right thing by the end of the week, I won't hesitate to share our dirty little secret to the world.' He mumbled.

Hot tears pricked the corners of my eyes and begged to escape but I refused to let them, fighting back with everything left in me.

'That'll harm your reputation more than it will mine.'

'Not when your bodyguard actively signed a deal, to try and steer you from the Prince.' He chuckled.

I pulled my arm away and glared at him, watching as a chuckle fell from his lips.

'Oh, yes. A little birdie told me that your brother hired him on the provisions that he'd make you fall in love with him and draw you away from Evan.' He explained.

He's just trying to get to you.

'It was a pleasure, as always. I'll be going now.' I said, holding the corners of my dress and bowing slightly, looking down at the floor, not wanting to make eye contact with him.

'Take care, princess.'

I headed in the opposite direction that I'd last seen my brother and Theo, and headed towards the front of the building, to our car. My brothers driver was waiting for him, and as I was due to drive home with Theo, I hopped into my brothers car and locked the doors.

'Theo is driving you home, princess.' Ronald said, turning into the back to look at me.

'My brother can go with him. Tint all of the windows please, Ronald. I don't want either of them to see me right now.' I said, my voice wobbling slightly.

I didn't even know if it was true but it for sure made sense. My brother hired a man to lie about his love for me just so that I wouldn't marry a secreted enemy. He would rather me live my life a lie than at least attempt to find love.

What a hypocrite.

The door handle shook a few times, and Ronald rolled down the front window, coming face to face with my brother.

'The princess isn't feeling too good, she requested that you drive home with Theo,' Ronald said, seemingly nervous to deny my brother of his only duty.

'That's fine, let me see her.'

Ronald looked back at me and I shook my head.

'She said no.'

'I don't give a fuck what she said. Let me see her. What happened? Is she sick?' He questioned.

Ronald looked at me again and I nodded. I'd rather lie and say that I was sick than reveal that I knew my brother was a conman.

'Don't let her leave this car until we arrive home, Ronald. I will be speaking to her before she gets out.' He said firmly.

'Yes your majesty.'

'Drive carefully, okay? Her life means more to me than anyone else's on this goddamn road.' Theo added.

I rolled my eyes. What a load of bullshit that was.

By Royal Decree //Princess&BodyguardWhere stories live. Discover now