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Mia's POV:
'Mia, wake up. The doctors here.' Liana said, softly shaking me until I opened my eyes.

'What for?' I groaned.

'To talk about your results.' She responded.

I shot up, realising that Theo was stood in the doorway, running his tongue slowly along his bottom lip. Liana looked between me and my bodyguard, before pulling my duvet up, covering the fact that I'd fallen asleep in practically nothing.

'I'll give you a minute to get changed.' She smiled, getting up and pushing Theo from the door with her.

I climbed from bed and threw on the first pair of clothes I could find, picking up my dress from the night before and walking downstairs to the living room. Suitcases littered the hallway and I reminded myself to question Lucas after I'd met with the doctor.

'Hey! Mia, how have you been?' He smiled, opening his arms to give me a soft hug.

'I've not been terrible, but come on, shoot me the news.' I said, giving him a quick smile.

'So, you do, unfortunately have endometriosis and I'm so sorry to be the one to tell you.' He began.

I knew a few weeks ago, but hearing it loud and clear right now was the worst thing possible. He continued to speak about options for surgery and medicine, but I was unknowingly focusing on anything but his words.

'Mia? Are you listening?' Liana asked.

I looked up at the doctor again, trying to hide my distraction with a soft cough.

'Yeah, uh, surgery. When's the earliest you can do?' I asked.

'A months time give or take, we wouldn't want to do it any sooner, we need a little more buildup for the surgery to be worth your while.' He explained.

'And then what?'

'And then that should help to alleviate some symptoms for you. Now, I know you were worried about your chances of having kids, and I just want to assure you that with your type of medical care there should be minimal issues with that.' He began rambling again.

'Minimal issues?'

'Removing of the endometriosis tissue should do most of the work, any pregnancies that you do have would need to be monitored very closely to make sure that everything is running smoothly but we can speak about that when you want to start trying for children.' He smiled.

'Thank you.' I said, hoarsely.

'I'll be on speed dial, if you experience any new or overbearing symptoms just give me a call and I'll be right over, but whilst you're away on your trip I'll have to email prescriptions over to your travelling doctor.' He explained, leaving the room before I was able to question him.

'Lucas!' I shouted, as loud as possible, knowing it would get him running.

I never shouted for my brother, the last time I did, I fell down a flight of stairs at the age of 12, and he felt super guilty when he'd ignored me.

As if on time, my brothers footsteps got louder and closer, as he ran down the hall, pushing the door open and leaning down to grab his knees, breathing heavily.

'Trip? What trip? Where the fuck are we going and why did everyone know but me?' I asked, angrily.

'You called me in for this? I thought it was important.' He panted.

'It is important.'

'I tried to hold it off until last minute. I didn't want you to stress about it at the same time as your consultation. We've been formally invited to spend the week in Jordan, with Prince Evan at his palace.' My brother grimaced.

My heart dropped further than I think it ever has in my life.

'I am engaged now, Lucas. What am I meant to do?' I panicked, holding up my hand to show him the ring.

He didn't react. Of course he didn't. He knew that Theo was going to buy the ring, he was there when he did so.

'You take the ring off and you leave it here until we're back. You act distant with the Prince all week and closer with Theo, shut him down at every opportunity you have whilst being polite, and then we'll come home and you can announce your engagement to Theo.' He said, as if he'd planned the speech beforehand.

'Where is Theo? What does he think of all of this?' I questioned.

'He's packing.' He shrugged.

I left the room, heading upstairs to my room, but stopping by Theo's door when I saw that it was open. He had a few suitcases open on his bed, but he was nowhere to be seen.

I knocked softly on the door, frowning when there was no response. I heard a noise come from my bedroom, and my heart began to pound. Whatever Theo was doing in there was unusual, he never went into my room unattended, it was unheard of.

I pushed my door open, looking at my perfectly made bed, and a wrapped up box sitting on top of it. Theo turned and looked at me, a small wave of surprise on his face being taken over by a smile.

'What's this?'

'I heard about your diagnosis and I'm sorry.' He said, with as little to no emotion on his face.

'I knew it deep down.' I responded, my hands meeting the soft fabric of the bow ontop of the box.

'That doesn't make it any better to hear.' He responded, calmly.

I undid the bow, opening the flaps of the box and looking inside. It wasn't instantly recognisable, as the box contained a hamper of a few different things, but after pulling out the first item I knew exactly what he'd done for me.

'Theo, you really didn't have to.' I smiled, looking at the box of uterus tea in my hand.

I wasn't sure if he'd done it thismorning or the day I had my tests, but he'd made me a care package filled with teas and heat pads.

'I don't ever want you to be uncomfortable.' He explained.

I pulled out a box with a note on, smiling to myself when I realised what he meant. He'd gotten me an electric cramp controller, one that worked to massage your stomach when you needed it.

For when I'm not there to comfort you
Your fiancé x

'You're going to make me cry.' I laughed, looking up at the ceiling and fanning at my eyes to get myself under control.

'You know we're going to Jordan, right?' I asked, worriedly.

'It'll all be okay, I promise.' He whispered, leaning forwards and resting his forehead on mine.

'What if he tries to-' I began.

'I won't let him, princess. I won't let him.'

I took a deep breath, wanting to believe him, but at the same time, understanding that what me and Theo had was just another agreement.

'When do I get to go on my date?' I asked, changing the subject to a slightly more upbeat one.

'I didn't think you wanted it to be a date?' He asked, a smirk forming on his lips.

'Since we're engaged, we may as-well call it a date.' I teased.

'Where do you want to go?' He asked me.

'Surprise me. I just know that I want it to be in Jordan, somewhere new.' I smiled.

'Deal, a date for one princess in Jordan. You can't take it back now you've said it.' He said.

'Why would I ever take it back?' I asked, both hands on my hips.

'I was wondering the same thing.' He said cockily, running his tongue over his lip.

I elbowed him and he reached for me, picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder, carrying me to his room.

'Put me down!' I laughed, trying my hardest to wriggle from his grip.

'I'm going to put you in my suitcase and maybe you'll shut up for a few hours.' He joked.


By Royal Decree //Princess&BodyguardWhere stories live. Discover now