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1 week later

It's been a week since I came home and it's not been what I expected. My mum is beyond happy to have me back but my dad not so much. He barley talks to me and only ever really stands being around me when my mum is there. My brother popped in to see my mum, hugged me and said good to see you and that's about it. Other then that I haven't really seen anyone, which I was more then happy about.

Today my Ma sent me to go get some coffee and pancakes from the local cafe, she said that's what she was craving so I didn't want to disappoint. I drove down here, but my leg instantly regretted it. It doesn't do well when I have to drive stick. I've just picked everything up and I'm heading to the car, when I feel myself bump into someone. As I look up, I can't believe who is standing in front of me.
God his voice still sounded amazing.

There was a few seconds of awkward silence before I decided I needed to speak.
"How have you been?"
"Busy. You?"
"Yeah busy"
"When did you get back?"
"A week ago. My Ma, she's sick. Cancer"
"Yeah I know. My Ma keeps in touch with her and told me"
"Right. Forgot how close they were"
"That happens when your not around for 5 years"
"Please what? Don't be mad. Sorry I don't have many options"

I nod "I know. All I can say is I'm sorry. And I'm so proud of you. You've done amazing things and I'm so happy you went after your dreams"
"My dreams? My dreams included you"
Before I get too emotional, I decide to leave.
"I'm sorry Chris. It was good to see you"
I run to the car and drive away, leaving him standing there. I just don't get it, I gave him the chance to come with me in my letter and he chose not too, so I don't see how he is so upset with me.

I arrive back to the house, opening the door I hear my dad shout to me.
I run and see my mum on the floor, she isn't moving.
"Call an ambulance now"
I grab my phone and dial immediately, I explain what has happened and they tell me paramedics would be at the house as soon as possible.

Once they arrive, they take my mum away. My dad beside her. I call my brother and tell him to meet us at the hospital. As I arrive, I see my dad sitting down.
"Dad what's happening?"
"She is dehydrated and the medication she is on, makes it difficult for her to breath sometimes. She collapsed"
I sit beside him and I feel my tears fall "oh god! I can't loose her daddy. I can't"
For the first time since I arrived home he places his arm around me.

I turn and burying my head in his chest, as he holds me close. I sob, my mum is my world, my best friend. I don't know what I'll do without her.
I lift my head and look at my dad "I'm so sorry daddy. I shouldn't have left. I should have been here. I'm so sorry"
He hugs me close again "it's okay princess. I forgive you"
This makes me sob harder, he called me princess again. I never thought I'd hear him say that to me again.

After what feels like hours, we are finally allowed to go see Ma. My brother showed up half an hour ago and we have been sat around her bed, waiting for her to wake up. After an hour, I feel myself loosing my mind. I decide to go get everyone coffee. As I make my way to the coffee machine, I hear someone call my name.
I turn and see the one face I needed to see right now "Lisa?"
She rushes forwards and hugs me close "sweetie your home"
"Yeah. I came home a week ago. My Ma she's not doing well"
"She's in hospital?"
I nod and explained what happened "god! I'm so sorry Kia. I was planning to come visit her tomorrow"
"I'm sure she would love to see you. She's not awake yet but when she is"

She nods "how are you holding up munchkin?"
I feel my emotions bubble at the nickname "I'm okay. Trying to be strong for her"
"You can't always be strong"
"Yeah. Excuse me"
I rush out to the front of the hospital and sit down on the bench just needing to breath. I don't want to break down, I can't. I have to stay strong for my family. I left them once and I can't do it again.
I look towards the person who said my name and I'm met with those blue eyes once more.

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