Chapter Five

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He wasn't lying when he said that there were some old things in his brothers Room. It isn't stuffed full with boxes or something, it is just a very large room with a lot of stuff in here. Many books and picture or paintings. There are three boxes in the room on top of each other. But not that kind of boxes you have when you move, these are fancy trunks, with silver elements on the corners. It looks really fancy and old.

I am kind of curious to know what is in them, but I am also very tired and the bed looks very comfy. And I also don't know  if I would be allowed to open them. I guess not because it was Sirius brother and I do not know what he wants me to know about his family just yet.

This room has an en-suite bathroom so I brushed my teeth and everything and now I am in bed.

But before laid down in bed, I made sure the door is looked. I know it wouldn't keep them out of the room if they were really trying to get in, but it made me somehow feel safer.
In the orphanage I had a lock on my door but I didn't have the key.

It doesn't take long for sleep to consume me and I drifted off to a dreamless slumber.

I wake up when I hear a knock on the door the following morning. I take a quick look at my watch and see that it is half past seven in the morning.

It was weird, the first moment I didn't know where I was at first but I immediately remebered where I was again after I took a look around the room.

I must say, I think I never have slept better in my entire life.

„Are you awake, my love", I hear Sirius asking. I blush a bit when I hear the nickname he is calling me since almost the first time he addressed me.

„Yes, I am awake. Just one moment please", I answer and hurriedly put a jumper over my t-shirt. I rush to the door and open it, finding a smiling Sirius on the other side of it.

„I hope I didn't wake you up?", he asks and I shake my head no in response. „Well, breakfast is ready if you want to eat something." he says or kind of asks. I smile slightly and nod.

Normally I do not eat breakfast, because Mr Thomas never allowed me to have breakfast. I didn't really mind because normally I am not hungry after I get up from bed.
But I don't want to be impolite so I agree to breakfast.

We are walking down the stairs side by side.

When we get to the door Sirius pulls it open for me and lets me enter first. I see all the Weasleys around the table, on the same spot they all sat on yesterday. There are also Remus and Dora who are very engrossed in their conversation.
The Weasley kids all look like they they are not used to be up that early in the morning. They all have their head on their hands to keep it up, and they struggle to keep their eyes open. One of them even looks like is sleeping.

„Good morning", says Sirius from behind me. And I quickly greet them with a good morning as well.

„Good morning my dear", says Molly as she comes up to me for a hug. „What do you want for breakfast? Is porridge for you fine?", she asks and I just nod with a small smile.

Sirius places a hand on my upper back and leads me to the seat I have sat on yesterday. Not long after that, Molly places the porridge in front of me, I thank her and start eating my breakfast.

After a few minutes, Dora asks: „So, what do you plan on doing today, Daenora?"

I turn my attention to her and shrug while answering: „I uhm.. I don't know... but I-I thought w-we would sort out the things in your brother room?" At the second part I turn my head to look at Sirius and he is already looking at me.

„Yes, we will sort through that old stuff today, but if you want to do something else you don't have to help me", he told me kindly.

I shook my head in an instant. I cannot just let him clean the room so I can stay in it comfortably. „No, its's fine, I do not mind helping you", I insist and he nods and smiles.

„Ok, so we'll have to postpone my plans until tomorrow", Dora informs us and all heads turn to her. Even the head of the two people who were kind of asleep on the table.

„Well, what are your plans?" Sirius asks also very curious about it.

„Oh well, I just wanted to go to Diagon Alley and get Daenora and the others a few things", she says while getting up from the chair.

Suddenly, almost every single person in this room finds an argument to go to Diagon Alley, and Tonks laughs at this while closing the door behind her.

„Yeah well, I think the cleaning can wait till tomorrow", Sirius casually says earning a small chuckle from Remus and a scoff from Molly.

There are a few moments of silence, Sirius and I both eat our breakfast while the Weasley's try to wake up a bit more.

I quickly finish my breakfast and stand up to put my dishes in the sink, but on my way to the sink Molly already has taken my dishes out of my hand to clean it. I thank her and she response with: „Oh please, it is no problem my dear."

I sit back down, there is already a bit more chatter around the table as the twins are talking about things they need from diagon alley. Remus and Sirius are also engaged in a conversation.

I am lost in my thoughts... I still can not believe all this is real... My Dad did really search for me...
It is a complicated thought. I never thought anyone ever cared for me but maybe he does. Time will show if I can trust them all. But for now I do not have another choice.

„Alright, I would say you all should get ready if you want to go to Diagon alley", Molly says and everyone including me and Sirius stands up and walks to their rooms to get ready.

Little mischief                               S.B. DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now