Chapter Six

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I try to find something I could wear to go to diagon alley.
I have been there before many times. Every year before the school starts, to get my books and everything and also every year I need a new wand. Mr Thomas broke my wand almost immediately when I stepped foot into the orphanage. So he did it also this time at the beginning of the summer break a few weeks ago. That is why I do not have a wand with me right now.
I mean I don't need my wand in the summer break, I am not off age so I can't use it outside of school anyways, but it bothers me that I have to buy a new one every year.

But maybe it will change now? I don't even know if I will stay here or not but we will see.

In the end I just change into trousers, t-shirt and a black jacket on top. Even though it is the beginning of august it not too warm today.
My hair is in a high ponytail and I wear just light makeup, just concealer and mascara.

I grab the things I need like my purse and my phone. I only have a phone because the social worker insisted on me having one if there would ever be an emergency and I have to contact her, but every time I called her when it got worse with Mr Thomas, but she never picked up and always called back at a later time. So it was pretty useless, I just use it to listen to music.

Half way down the stairs I heard two voices speaking or better, arguing.

„Do you really think it is a good idea?", I hear a voice I recognise as Remus'.

„Oh please, I just want to spend time with my daughter, Moony" Sirius argues back.

There is a weird sensation in my stomach. I don't know what it is but I guess it is because I feel bad listening on on their conversation.

„Yeah, and no one says anything against it. But do you really think, it is a good idea to accompany them? Until recently, everybody thought you were a murderer", I hear Remus saying. There is a loud scoff that can only be from Sirius.

„I have to get out there eventually, so why not now?", Sirius says, frustration can be heard very clearly in his voice.

„Sirius this is not only about you! People will know that she is your daughter!", Remus is near screaming now.

„I...", Sirius starts but doesn't continue, he just let's out a very frustrated sigh.

I hear a door opening downstairs and a pair of footsteps.

„Come on Remus, he is right", it's Dora „he has to get out there eventually. And the people will also find out about Daenora eventually, so why not combine it?" she tries to reason with Remus in a calm voice.

Remus hesitates a moment but then answers: „Alright... But you make sure that he behaves!" He says to Dora I guess.

I hear, again, a door opening but this time not under me but on the floor over me. And this time there are multiple footstep that can be heard, they are coming down the stairs.
When the Weasleys come by me they wave and smile at me, I smile back at them and get down the stairs after them.

„You all are ready?", Dora asks us when she sees all of us approaching. We nod and say yes.

„Where is Ron?", Ginny suddenly asks. And we all look at each confused.

But then we hear two voices arguing, probably from the kitchen. We couldn't hear what was said exactly. The argument grew louder and suddenly the door was burst open and a very angry looking Ron stomped in our direction.

„It is not fair!", he shouts over his shoulder. Molly is coming towards us, she also looks kind of angry. „Why do we get to be here, and Harry doesn't?!", he continues shouting. And Molly now looks frustrated too.

„Because it's not safe for him to be here!", she tries to calm down but it clearly doesn't work. „We discussed this, Ronald. And we also told you that we would wait till after your fourth year of Hogwarts to bring him here", I don't really know what they are arguing about but it clearly is a sensitive subject for them.

„He will feel so betrayed when he finds out", Ron is now a bit calmer and doesn't shout anymore but is still very upset.

Sirius is bow stepping in-between the two and calms them down before saying to Ron: „He will not find out until next summer, and then I will explain everything to him." Ron wanted to say something but Sirius stopped him and continued. „If he finds out sooner, you will tell him the truth: that it was my idea", Ron looked a bit defeated but still nod, accepting it.

Molly looked at the rest of us, who watched this argument attentive. I did bot really know about who this argument was but Sirius obviously knows him, so I want to get to know him, I want to know in which relation I stay to him.
„Are you all read?", Molly asks with a big smile on her face. We all nod. „You will use floo powder, so come on", she tries to usher us into an unfamiliar room but before that Sirius intercepts.

„Daenora and I will apparate to Diagon alley", he tells Molly who looks not too pleased about this but has to go with it.

He turns to me and offers me to grab his arm which I did, he looks at me again and nod lightly and shut my eyes. I don't like apparation, the feeling is just very weird and just kind of disgusting. But when I open my eyes again after just a few seconds we already are in small room behind the leaky cauldron, in front of the brick wall. Sirius gets out his wand and taps on some of the stones, they start moving so we can go through into Diagon alley.

It is not too crowded at the monent because it is not the beginning of the school year but there are still many people.

Sirius leads me into flourish & blotts where we already see the Weasley siblings.

„Where do you all need to go?", Sirius asks when we stand next to them.

The two identical-looking ones, Fred and George, say they need to go to Gambol and Japes Wizarding Joke Shop and to the shop with the Quidditch things. Ron wanted to just look around a bit. Ginny wanted to stay at Flourish & Blotts for a while.

„Ok then, I guess we will split up and meet here in... let's say one hour? That ok?", Dora suggests and everyone is fine with it and goes on their way. Ginny and Dora both stay at Flourish & blotts for now.

„So, where do you want to go?", Sirius asks me when we step outside the bookshop. I look around to find a shop I maybe want to go when my eyes land on Ollivanders. I don't know if I should tell Sirius about my broken wand, but he will find out eventually so why not now when we are already here.

So, I turn to look at Sirius who lightly smiles at me. „Well, I-I may have broken my wand", I tell him sheepishly.

He looks amused and chuckles a bit before saying: „You need a new one?" I nod to answer his question. „Then we will get you a new one", he says smiling at me. I smile back and we make our way to Ollivander's.

When we open the door and get into the small shop, Mr Ollivander is already standing there with a happy expression on his face. Sirius greets him and shakes his hand. Mr Ollivander seems really happy to see him. While they talk a bit I stay a bit behind. I go to Ollivander to get a new wand every summer since first grade, but normally I am with a teacher who takes me here to get all my school supplies and then takes me to school in France. So being here with my biological Dad is a bit weird, because they know each other probably from when he went to school.

„Oh no, my daughter here needs a new wand", Sirius says, referring obviously to me. I didn't pay attention so I don't know what they have been talking about but now it is about me.

„Oh, I see. I think I have the perfect one for you", he says and goes back to get a wand for me. Just a moment later he comes back again and hands me a wand, I grab it and we instantly match perfectly.

„Wow, that was quick", Sirius laughs which makes us all chuckle.

This wand is very different from the ones I had before. The last ones were all very plain, they never had any ornaments or something. But this one has a very special handle, it looks like a dragon wrapped around a purple ball, sort of to protect it. This wand is also black, unlike my others which were all very dark but they were never completely black.

Little mischief                               S.B. DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now