Chapter Three

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Everyone is occupied with their food and their conversation they are having. I just sit silently in my chair and eat my food. After a while Dora and Remus got caught up in a conversation, and I was kind of grateful for that. The man on the head of the table is staring at his food intently and hasn't touched it much.

I wonder who he is.

Could he be... no that would be ridicolous. He can't be my father, can he? I mean it would fit with what Remus told me that he doesn't eat. But we look nothing alike. He has complete Black hair and I have kind of white/blonde hair.

"I know, isn't she beautiful?", I hear a voice besides me mumble and look in it's direction. The two boys who look completely alike, look at me and smirk. Immediately I turn my head away from them and I can feel my face getting red.

I try to control it but I think it didn't work when I hear Dora saying: "By Merlins beard, you are a metamorphmagus!" She jumps up in her chair and does some kind of... Happy dance? I don't know. Because of her exclamation everyone has stopped their conversation and is now looking at me. I try to make myself as small as possible in my seat.

I have always been able to change my appearance, but I never did it because people at school or at the ophanage would get confused and would ask me a bunch of questions. It happened one time at school and let me tell you, it's the worst! Everybody comes up to you and throws so many questions at you, you have no idea where to beginn with. I just ran away from the kids but the chatter didn't die down and at every meal they stared more than they usually did. I felt so uncomfortable that I didn't go to any meals for a few days.

Now that I have gained everyones attention, the questions start. "Can you change so you look like me?" "can you have neon pink hair?" "can you change into animals?" I can't understand most of them because everyone is now talking. Well, not everyone one person is watching me curiously. The black haired man doesn't even blink, he is just staring at me.

I feel like I know him, or this place. This both feels familiar to me...

I try to control my emotions again and change the tips of my hair from slightly pink back to my normal silver/blonde hair. The questions are still thrown at me until Molly comes and scolds all of them and they go back to their own conversations. I just sit on the chair and stare down at my plate wich is only half empty.

Being honest I still dont know what's happening right now. Not many hours ago I was in an orphanage where I wasnt even sure if I was going to get something to eat today, and now I am sitting on a table full of food where you can eat as much as you want.

"Sirius, can I have a word?", I hear Remus asking the man. He nods and stands up from his chair. They both leave the room. Next to me I hear Dora sigh loudly and I look at her with a questioning look.

„This man is your dad. And when I told everyone about you, he wasn't here. So, Remus is explaining everything to him now.", I swallow hard and nod stiffly.

Will he like me?

Will I be treated like I was in the orphanage?

"Don't worry, he will love you! He spent months looking for you. He will be over the moon!", she says to try to calm me down which works quite well.

I listen in on some of the conversations the people on the table are having, mostly on the conversation of the twins which is mostly about either jokes or quidditch. It was quite entertaining. Dora changes her face into one of a duck, which made Ginny laugh.

This all goes on for a while until all the chatter is interrupted by a loud outburst from someone in a room nearby.

A Moment later Remus walks through the door and gives Dora a look and she nods.

"Could you come with me for a moment please?", she turns to me and asks.

Immediately my pulse is at 180 again. What if they were tricking me? I think. Maybe they are as horrible as Mr Thomas? Maybe they will hurt me too?

Dora sees the horrified look on my face and tries to clam me down by saying: "Dont worry, we would never hurt you!" It seems like she can read my mind. Hesitantly, I nod and slowly stand up from my chair. Dora grabs my hand and leads me to the room I was in while talking to Remus. The black haired man - Sirius sits on the couch opposite the fireplace with his head in his hands. Dora sends me an encouraging smile and walked out of the room. I wanted to say something to stop her but I wasn't fast enough.

There was an awkward silence between us, no one knew what to say. I just stand there in front of the door and fidget with the hem of my jumper. After a moment he looked up and smiled softly at me. I smile back but look down at my shoes again.

"Do you... uhm want to sit down?" he awkwardly asks and I slowly walk over to the couch and sit down on the other end. He watches me curiously as I do so. "So.. uhm.. You- uh probably know that uhm.. that I am  Your -uh father?", he stutters. He looks a bit overwhelmed by this whole situation. Just like me.

As an answer I just give him a "Mhm" and nod. What does this mean now? I have a father but what does this mean? Will I live with him? Will nothing happen and I will just go back to the orphanage?

After a few more moments I finally find the courage to ask: "What does this mean now?" At first he looks at me a bit confused but I think he got what I meant.

"I don't really know, if I am being honest. I searched for you for months, but I never thought about that", he says with a look of guilt on his face. He has a small frown on his face, the same I have when I am thinking. The silence which filled this room again, wasn't awkward anymore. Or at least not as awkward as the first.

I look around the room and discover a big bookshelf which I haven't noticed the first time I was in here. I love to read. It's my escape from reality sometimes. Or I sketch or paint. I am not that good at it but it calms me down.

Sirius notices what I look at and says: "your mom always read stories to you, when you were a baby. Then when you were a bit older, you wanted to read to us", he tells me with a light chuckle, "you couldn't read back then and always made up some stories" he is laughing by now, and I smile too at the thought of that. I can't remember that. I can't remember anything before the orphanage.

"Where did you grow up?", he suddenly asked. I am a bit confused I am a bit confused. But I assume that Remus didnt tell him anything. I mean Remus doesnt know anything about my life in the orphanage but still.

„I-I grew up i-in an o-orphanage" I answer with my head hanging low.

„What?!", he screams while jumping up from his seat. I flinch from the sudden outburst, and he quickly apologizes. „Well, have you been treated well?", he asked as soon as he has somewhat calmed down again.

The honest answer to that would be no. But when he already had that kind of reaction by finding out where I grew up, I dont know if its a good idea telling him the truth. At least not yet. Maybe when I know him better, if he wants to get to know me

So, to answer his question I nod, and he seems relieved.

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