Chapter Two

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Dora looks at me expectingly but i don't move from my spot. From where I stand right now, nobody can see me. I don't know how many people are in there and I think I don't want to find out.

She makes another motion for me to come to her but i just slightly shake my head signalizing that i don't want to go in there. She gives me a defeated smile and looks up at Remus who then puts a hand on my back, moving me away from the door and into another room.

I kind of feel bad now, but I  am really awkward with newly met people and especially if there are many people. That's why I don't have any friends in school, I don't start a conversation. And if I am in a conversation I just give short answers so the other person gets bored and goes away. I don't do that on purpose but I... I don't even know.

"I am sorry", I say quietly to Remus who has moved to the sofa, which stands in front of the fireplace.

He looks up at me and shakes his head slightly. "You have nothing to apologies for. It's completely fine, Tonks will explain it to them and you will meet them later, or tomorrow, it doesn't matter.", he explains in a very soft tone and I just nod and stand awkwardly in the doorway until he says: "Come on sit down and I will explain everything to you"

Slowly, I walk up to the sofa and sit on the opposite end than him. I put my knees to my chest and wait for him to start explaining.

"Do you know anything about your real parents?", he starts and I shake my head no. I can't remember much from my childhood, not before I came to the orphanage nor my time in the orphanage. "Well, your parents loved you very dearly, never doubt that!", he says sternly.

'But then why did they give me up?' I want to ask but I don't know if I want to know the answer to that.

As if Remus could read my mind, he continues: "They gave you up because something very tragic happend." He looks away from me and focuses his eyes on the floor. I patiently wait for him to continue while guessing what could have happened. Did they die? Did they have financial problems? Well, the financial problems are not as tragic as dying but still... After many moments of silence he starts speaking again: "Your mother, she was murdered" He whispered, I am not sure if i heard him correctly, but although I kind of expected it, it still came as a surprise.

"W-what about my D-dad?", I stutter. I don't feel comfortable with him alone in a room, but it doesn't have anything to do with him in particular. I am just feel kind of nervous and I am a bit scared when I am alone with people.

"Well, your dad was accused of having committed a murder But he was proven innocent!", He added the last part quickly which relieved me. I don't know how I would have felt if he was really a murderer but thankfully he isn't. "He searched for you. But he couldn't find you. He was devastated he thought you were dead" he continues to explain and I listen intently. "In the last months his condition only got worse. He refuses to eat, and overall he's been very difficult. But now you are here", he raises his head and gives me a small smile.

I dont know what to think about this. I don't know if I should be happy that I have a father or if I should be scared. I don't know of what I should be scared, but at first, I thought the orphanage was fine but it turned out not to be after all.

"Where is she!", a womans voice boomed through the house. I flinch a bit and turn my head to the door which was opened shortly after that. A plump, red-haired woman bursts through the doors and looks around. She has a stern look on her face, but it softens when her eyes land on me. She starts to smile a bit and walks over to hug me. I am startled by the gesture and freeze in place.

"What were you thinking Remus!?", she starts to scold the man. "How could you bring Sirius daughter here without telling me? You poor girl... Growing up in an orphanage. It mustve been horrible.", She says while looking at me with pity,

'It was' I think but thats not what I am going to say. Instead, I say: "I-it was f-fine." I stutter while saying it. My heart rate picks up again. The last few minutes, while I was talking to Remus, I calmed down, but now I am again so completely nervous.

"You must be hungry my dear. Come on lets have dinner", she says and pulls me with her through the door where Dora stood with an apologetic smile on her face.

Remus and Dora walk behind us to, what I can only assume to be the dining room.

"Did you tell him? Was he there?", I hear Remus asking Tonks in a hushed voice.

"No, he wasnt there. Only the Weasleys know." Dora answers.

"He will throw a fit", Remus mutters and Dora agrees.

We walk through a door and I see a bunch of people, sitting on a long table, laughing at each other. As we walk in all their heads turn to me and I shy away a bit. Or I try to but the grip the woman has on my hand does not allow it.

"This is our guest, Daenora", The woman holding my hand introduces me. "I expect you all to be nice to her", she tells them sternly then looks and me and smiles kindly.

I feel a hand on my back, its Dora, she leads me to an empty seat at almost the top of the table. Dora takes the seat on my right side and Remus sits opposite her. On my left side sits a boy who looks exactly like the one sitting opposite him, I assume they are twins. On Remus right side, so opposite me sits a red head girl who is talking and joking with the twins. On Doras right side is the head of the table and an empty chair.

I dont know if someone is missing but when the door opens and a man with black hair and grey eyes walks in, I have my answer. He doens't look too good, he has dark circles under his eyes. He takes a seat on the head of the table and dinner is served. I dont put much on my plate because I am not very hungry but everyone else has a full plate except for the man on Tonks right side. Remus and him talk a bit while Dora talks with me and asks me questions about my childhood and the orphanage and the school and so many mor things.

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