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yoongi exhaled deeply when as soon as got to his classroom, he heard two bickering voices in the classroom across from his.

"this an inhumane amount of work for one person to do! you're asking me to evaluate the files for 130 students! if you can't do it because you think it's too much, then why do you think it won't be too much for me?" namjoon asked, "you go on and on about having a phd, but when you're asked to do something with it, you're useless!" the woman shouted, he saw namjoon flinch at that. yoongi began recording, he would definitely show this to HR.

"why don't we split it? i take 70 and you take 60 of them" namjoon said, "i have things to do! i'm busy!"

"so am i!" namjoon said, which was true. he had to attend parent-teacher conferences and work on worksheets and lesson plans.

"who cares?" the teacher scoffed, throwing namjoon's pencil jar on the floor. namjoon wanted to cry. he felt like a little kid.

yoongi couldn't watch anymore. in fact, he felt horrible for not doing to prevent it when he saw it. he stood up and angrily made his way to the classroom across his.

all hell unleashed loose when yoongi began opening his mouth. he argued until the teacher ran out of excuses and things to say. he wanted the woman to forget she could speak korean.

"you have no reason overwork him just because he's new! if you want this done by next week then split it among all the teachers in the grade!" yoongi argued, "i dare you to finish all of that in 5 days" yoongi continued.

"but i can't—"

"then why do you think he can in 5 days? that's in humane! he has a life outside of school! did you know that?" he asked, soon enough the school bell rang which meant that students would come in soon.

"take everything back and bring a plan to me when you're ready to divide the work evenly" he said, handing all the folders to the woman.

namjoon just wanted to cry.


thank you


don't thank me

unfortunately for both namjoon and yoongi, they were on lunch duty with the other teacher. lunch duty alone wasn't great.

"mr.min! i can't open my container!" a girl whined, yoongi walked towards her and attempted to open the container but failed, ", can you come here?"

namjoon successfully opened the container and smiled, yoongi really admired his muscular arms, "wow! is so strong! his arms are really muscular"

namjoon laughed, "thank you" he said, yoongi had never agreed so much with a kid. they got to stand around the tables and monitor everything. yoongi and namjoon stood next to eachother so namjoon turned red when his stomach started growling.

"are you hungry?" yoongi whispered, namjoon shamefully nodded, "is it still hard to eat?"

"it's okay to eat, but i'm a crybaby. don't worry" he reassured, "we have 4 hours left, i can't let you stay hungry! what do you want? i can run to the teachers longue" yoongi said, "i don't have money on me"

"i'll pay"

"you don't have to"

yoongi pouted, "let me, please! you deserve it, especially after this morning" he said, "no, it's okay" namjoon insisted, "nope! how can i let you be hungry? i'll be right back!" and mr.min Where stories live. Discover now